Oklahoma Farm Report's Blue-Green Gazette coverage of 4-H and FFA events masthead graphic with logos from those 2 organizations.
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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

National FFA Expresses Gratitude for John Deere's 74 Years of Corporate Support and Sponsorship

Mon, 28 Aug 2017 11:27:58 CDT

National FFA Expresses Gratitude for John Deere's 74 Years of Corporate Support and Sponsorship This week, National FFA CEO Mark Poeschl and National FFA Foundation President Molly Ball visited John Deere to thank them for their long-standing support of agricultural education and FFA, helping to achieve the FFA vision of growing leaders, building communities and strengthening agriculture.

A platinum sponsor, John Deere is the longest running corporate sponsor of the National FFA Organization with 74 years of support. Their sponsorship of career development events, leadership programs, state officer programs, National FFA Officer programs, the Agriscience Fair and exhibit at the annual National FFA Convention & Expo, and scholarships helps FFA prepare students for careers in agriculture, and to be leaders and advocates for the industry.

Five years ago, John Deere and its dealers partnered with FFA to create a scholarship program to encourage young people to pursue careers in the ag industry. In 2017, the John Deere scholarship program awarded 139 college scholarships to FFA members, valued at more than $278,000. Scholarships were awarded to 86 females and 53 males. Top majors included agricultural business management, animal science, agricultural education, agronomy and crop science, pre-vet/vet medicine, agricultural engineering, engineering, agricultural sciences, agricultural economics and agricultural communications.

"We are so thankful for John Deere and their dealers' generous support of our mission and helping us grow our leaders and prepare them for career success," said Molly Ball, National FFA Foundation president. "The scholarship program is just one way that Deere is ensuring a bright future for our FFA members as we diversify the pipeline of young people pursuing careers in agriculture."

"We are proud to support the National FFA Foundation, with its strong legacy of developing youth into tomorrow's agriculture industry leaders; men and women who will be challenged to feed and clothe a growing global population," said Amy Allen, manager of corporate sponsorships at John Deere.

The National FFA Organization provides leadership, personal growth and career success training through agricultural education to 649,355 student members who belong to one of 7,859 local FFA chapters throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The organization is also supported by 225,891 alumni members in 1,934 alumni chapters throughout the U.S.

Source - National FFA Organization



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