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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Secretary Sonny Perdue Challenges FFA Members to be the Source of Truth for Skeptical Consumers

Thu, 26 Oct 2017 05:57:58 CDT

Secretary Sonny Perdue Challenges FFA Members to be the Source of Truth for Skeptical Consumers On Wednesday, Secretary Sonny Perdue arrived in Indianapolis, Ind., for the 90th National FFA Convention. He had several stops throughout his day: presenting a workshop, interacting with FFA members and providing remarks at the opening session.

Perdue wholeheartedly embraced the convention's theme "I Can. We Will." in his message to FFA members. His speech was forward-thinking, focusing on the impact that FFA members can make across the country, just by sharing their stories. "As young agriculture leaders, you have the opportunity to grow and develop as truthful and bold communicators," Perdue said. "You will be the source of truth for skeptical consumers."

FFA members today have the opportunity to share the story of agriculture like no other generation has had before, Perdue noted. His advice to FFA members on how to share their stories: Be confident, knowledgeable, truthful, and most importantly, kind. Making a positive connection with the consumer can only improve their attitude toward agriculture and the industry that provides their fiber, fuel, and food.

Perdue closed his speech with a challenge to FFA members: "We need you to be the generation that learns, leads, inspires, feeds and shares the story of agriculture with the ever-growing population."

Click on the LISTEN BAR below to hear the Secretary's address on Wednesday evening at the 2017 National FFA Convention.

We are taking pictures related to our 2017 National FFA Convention- click or tap here to check out the Convention Album on FLICKR.

Our exclusive coverage of the 2017 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis October 24-28 is a service of ITC Great Plains, Your Energy Superhighway- learn more about this high voltage, transmission only utility and their commitment to the communities they serve which is the cornerstone of their business - Click here for their webpage. We also appreciate the support of the Oklahoma FFA Association and the Oklahoma FFA Alumni Association. Click or tap here for more information about one of the top states in the US in the FFA- the Oklahoma FFA Association. Oklahoma FFA impacts the lives of over 27,000 members in 359 chapters across the state.


Listen to Sonny Perdue's Address to FFA Members at 2017 National Convention
right-click to download mp3


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