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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Kaylen Baker Represents Oklahoma in National Prepared Public Speaking Contest

Fri, 14 Oct 2011 13:48:41 CDT

Kaylen Baker Represents Oklahoma in National Prepared Public Speaking Contest Many Oklahoma FFA delegates are preparing for the upcoming National FFA Convention in Indianapolis. One of those in particular is Kaylen Baker of the Yukon FFA Chapter. Baker will be competing and representing Oklahoma in the National Prepared Public Speaking contest while attending convention.

Baker's speech topic is definitely an interesting one as she will be talking about miniature cattle in the agricultural industry. Baker says it is different than what a lot of people are used to and doing with their cattle. In her speech, Baker hopes to explain the importance and benefits of miniature cattle for the producer.

Baker says it was really all by chance that she discovered her topic. While researching a different topic of rising cattle prices, she stumbled upon a link about miniature cattle. Baker clicked on the link out of curiousity and found it to be a topic worth of her speech. To prepare for her upcoming contest, especially the questions she will receive, Baker has kept researching and researching to help think of any possible new questions she could be asked.

To get to the National Prepared Public Speaking contest, Baker had to compete against several other FFA members. First, there is a county level contest, which after winning, leads to a district level contest. After districts is the state contest, which is held at State FFA Convention. After winning her division at state, Baker competed against six others that won their respective divisions to be selected for the national contest.

Click on the play button in the screen below to hear the rest of Ron Hays and Kaylen Baker's conversation about the upcoming contest at National FFA Convention and how Kaylen has been preparing her speech.

Our exclusive coverage from the 2011 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis is a service of the Oklahoma FFA Association and the Oklahoma FFA Alumni Association. Click here for the State FFA website for more information about this youth organization. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.



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