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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Former National FFA President Harry Birdwell Reflects on His Time in FFA

Mon, 17 Oct 2011 09:47:38 CDT

Former National FFA President Harry Birdwell Reflects on His Time in FFA As National FFA Convention gets underway later on this week, Ron Hays talked with former National FFA President Harry Birdwell, who is currently the Oklahoma Secretary for the School Land Commission. Birdwell, of Fletcher, Okla., was National FFA President in 1969 and 1970.

Birdwell was the seventh national president from Oklahoma and says frankly that serving as the national president was one of the great experiences of his life. Being a part of FFA really expanded his world and provided leadership and speaking opportunities, as well as, the opportunity to see and experience people and leaders from other parts of our country says Birdwell.

In fact, Birdwell says he has pretty much made his living and his public career based on his involvement and what he was exposed to and grew to love in the FFA program.

When Birdwell served as national president, it was the first year that there was co-eduational membership and he says it has been a great thing for the organization ever since. Also, the year that Birdwell served, he says they spent a lot of time with President Richard Nixon, talking with members and leadership in Congress, and on many national news programs, like the Today Show.

Birdwell adds that the FFA program is one of the greatest programs in the country for rural, young men and women to get involved in for leadership training.

Click here for a complete list of former Oklahomans that served as national officers.

Click on the LINK below to hear more from Ron Hay and Harry Birdwell, reflecting on his time as a National FFA President as National FFA Convention kicks off this week.



Ron Hays talks with Harry Birdwell about his time as National FFA President
right-click to download mp3


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