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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Led by Hallie Barnes of Porter in Meats Judging- Several Oklahoma FFA Teams Place in National CDE Contests

Sun, 23 Oct 2011 22:27:47 CDT

Led by Hallie Barnes of Porter in Meats Judging- Several Oklahoma FFA Teams Place in National CDE Contests Several Oklahoma Career Development teams placed at the 2011 National FFA Convention- these results include the following:

Meats Judging: The National FFA Meats Technology and Evaluation CDE is a competitive activity that tests students' skills and competencies in evaluating and identifying meat carcasses and products. Event components include a general knowledge exam; beef carcass evaluation; identification of wholesale and retail cuts of beef, lamb, and pork; quality and yield grading of beef carcasses; a team meat merchandising activity; and solving of a meat formulation problem. Each team has competed on the local and state levels to earn the privilege of representing their state at the national FFA convention.

The Porter, Oklahoma FFA Chapter placed fifth in the Meats Technology and Evaluation Contest. The team members include Hallie Barnes, K.C. Barnes, and Kassie Kilgore.

The High Individual in the contest was Hallie Barnes, a freshman from the Porter FFA Chapter. Our picture here is of Hallie receiving her award as the high individual of the 2011 contest.

Agricultural Communications: The National FFA Agricultural Communications CDE is a competitive activity that tests students' skills in all areas of the agricultural communications field and evaluates how well they can apply classroom knowledge to real-life situations. Participants attend a simulated news conference and use the information gathered to complete individual practicums in news story writing, press release writing, radio broadcasting, web design, and graphic design. Prior to the event, students compile communication project proposals related to innovative agricultural practices, management techniques and marketing tools. Each team then creates a 15-minute presentation based on their proposal. Members also compete in an editing exercise and a general communications quiz.

Burlington, Oklahoma FFA Chapter placed Fifth. The team included Molley Vap, Victoria Loeser, Tiffany Rieger, Katelyn Garvie, and Hana Newman.

Molly Vap was the fifth high individual and Katelyn Garvie was the 8th high individual.

Floriculture: In the National FFA Floriculture CDE, FFA members test their knowledge and skills in the production and retailing of flowers, plants and foliage. Participants must complete a general knowledge exam on the floriculture industry, identify plant materials, and demonstrate problem solving and decisionmaking skills, employment and customer service skills, technical floral skills and the ability to work as a team. Teams competed at the local and state levels to earn the privilege of representing their home state at the national FFA convention.

Morris, Oklahoma FFA Chapter placed ninth in the Floriculture CDE- Team members include Kendall Golden, Carson Edmonds, Jeremy Watts, and Patsy Barnett.

Horse Evaluation: The National FFA Horse Evaluation CDE is a competitive activity that tests the student's ability to select and evaluate horses. Event components include eight selection classes that consisted of four halter classes and four performance classes. Students also give four sets of oral reasons with two sets coming from each evaluation class. Each team competed at local and state levels for the privilege of representing their state at the national FFA convention.

The Adair, Oklahoma FFA Chapter placed second nationally in the 2011 Horse Evaluation Contest. Team Members include Callie Colclasure, Abby Hendrickson, Ethan Propp, and Tucker Malotte.

Ethan Propp of Adair was the fourth high individual in the Horse Evaluation CDE.

Marketing Plan: The National FFA Marketing Plan CDE helps students practice and sharpen skills in marketing through the development and presentation of a marketing plan. The plan may focus on the introduction of a new agricultural product, supply or service or on improving marketing of an existing product, supply, or service. Each team competed against teams in their state for the privilege of participating in the national event.

The Prague, Oklahoma FFA Chapter placed Fourth in the Marketing Plan Contest. Team members include Trisha Kingsbury, Chance Imhoff, and Racine Cleveland.

Poultry Evaluation: The National Poultry Evaluation CDE is a competitive activity that tests the participant's ability to select top quality poultry and poultry products needed for successful production and marketing. Event participants must complete a written exam on poultry management, evaluate classes of live birds for eggs and meat production, evaluate quality of eggs, and evaluate and identify parts and products. Each team competed at local and state levels for the privilege of representing their state at the national FFA convention.

The Westville, Oklahoma FFA Chapter placed ninth in Poultry Evaluation- team members include Kelsey Woods, Tyler Snyder, Miles Crocker, and Alyssa Funburg.



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