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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Introducing Madison Hansen of the Laverne FFA, Your 2019 North West Area Star in Agriscience

Sat, 13 Apr 2019 21:02:33 CDT

Introducing Madison Hansen of the Laverne FFA, Your 2019 North West Area Star in Agriscience
During the month of April, the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and Oklahoma Farm Report is spotlighting the twenty Area Stars of Oklahoma FFA that are among the highest achievers in the organization. The stars come from the five areas in four categories- Star in Ag Placement, Star in Agriscience, Star in Agribusiness and Star in Production Agriculture. This week, we spotlight the five area stars in Agriscience for 2019. One Star Finalist featured in the coming days from each of the categories, will be named the State Star Award Winner during the Oklahoma State FFA Convention coming up April 30 - May 1, 2019 in Oklahoma City.

Today we continue our coverage with this year's North West Area Star Madison Hansen

“I was gathering information to see if people knew what they were actually putting in their gas tanks,” she explained. “My research showed that people are not paying attention to what they are putting in their tanks. They’re only paying attention to what is the cheapest.”

Hansen’s family farm grows crops that can go toward making biofuels which sparked an interest for a biofuel speech and led her Agriscience Fair project.

After graduation she plans on attending Oklahoma Panhandle State University to obtain a Master’s in Accounting and Bachelor’s in Agribusiness.

You can hear her entire conversation with Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays, by clicking or tapping on the LISTEN BAR below.


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