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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Introducing Raigan McKee of the Oolagah FFA Chapter, Your 2021 Northeast Area Star in Agriscience

Mon, 05 Apr 2021 08:39:45 CDT

Introducing Raigan McKee of the Oolagah FFA Chapter, Your 2021 Northeast Area Star in Agriscience During the month of April, the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and Oklahoma Farm Report is spotlighting the twenty Area Stars of Oklahoma FFA that are among the highest achievers in the organization.

The stars come from the five areas in four categories- Star in Ag Placement, Star in Agriscience, Star in Agribusiness and Star in Production Agriculture.

One Star Finalist featured in the coming days from each of the categories, will be named the State Star Award Winner during the 95th Oklahoma State FFA Convention coming up April 27, and 28th in Oklahoma City.

This week, our coverage of the 2021 Oklahoma FFA Star Award Finalists continues with Agriscience competitor Raigan McKee with the Oolagah FFA chapter in the Northeast Area.

McKee's project focused on testing materials for biosecurity in livestock buildings and handling facilities.

I have learned it is important to make sure you are keeping your animals in a controlled environment, constantly cleaning and making sure you're not introducing foreign bacteria to your herd, McKee said.

If there was an outbreak in a facility, we could see effects in almost every aspect in our life, she said.

McKee first learned about the importance of biosecurity when she was a freshman and her class toured the OSU swine facilities.

I found it extremely interesting, she said.

McKee plans to pursue a degree in biology or biochemistry, possibly becoming a doctor.

I just feel like helping people is a passion of mine, she said.

One of her favorite FFA moments was when her ag issues team won the state contest and moved on to compete at the national level.

Competing at the national level was a great experience and I learned so much from that, she said.

She also cherishes the many times she has competed in other areas and mentoring younger FFA members.

For McKee this is a family affair as she has two younger sisters also competing in FFA contests.

The main takeaway for me has been the improved ability and confidence FFA has given me through public speaking, she said.

For the next four years McKee will attend Westminster College in Missouri playing collegiate softball and pursuing her work in the medical field.

For more information on the 95th Oklahoma State FFA convention you can go to their website by clicking here.

Click or Tap below to hear KC Sheperd's Complete interview with Raigan McKee.


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