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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Your 2021 Oklahoma FFA Star in Agribusiness- Drake Williams of the Cherokee FFA Chapter

Wed, 28 Apr 2021 15:22:33 CDT

Your 2021 Oklahoma FFA Star in Agribusiness- Drake Williams of the Cherokee FFA Chapter The 2021 Oklahoma FFA Star in Agribusiness is Drake Williams of the Cherokee FFA Chapter, representing the Northwest Area.

Williams was named the statewide Star in Agribusiness during the Wednesday afternoon General Session of the 95th Annual Convention of the Oklahoma FFA. Drake was presented with the Governor's Trophy and a cash award of $1,700 sponsored by Blue and Gold Sausage.

After his name was called out- a video produced by Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays and JD Rosman with the Oklahoma Youth Expo. Watch that salute by clicking on the play button in the video box below.

Drake Williams established a livestock business focused on buying breeding sheep and goats ready for pasture.

Williams started the business three years ago with a fellow FFA member.

He credits his parents and his partner's family for helping with getting the business started.

One thing I have learned is the importance of building strong fences and good customer service, Williams said.

My favorite FFA moments include showing a steer at the Oklahoma Youth Expo.

FFA has had a tremendous impact on my life, said Williams, who is president of the Cherokee FFA.

Williams has also displayed his fiddle playing talents at many FFA events.

Future plans call for Williams to attend Northern Oklahoma College in Tonkawa on a livestock judging scholarship, while studying agribusiness.

Williams would like to pursue a career in ag sales and possibly return home to manage the family business.

For more information on the 95th Oklahoma State FFA convention click here.

Click or Tap below to hear KC Sheperd's Complete interview with Drake Williams.


KC Sheperd talks with Drake Williams
right-click to download mp3


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