Youth News
Oklahoma FFA Members Prepare to Invade Indianapolis for 94th National FFA Convention
Wed, 20 Oct 2021 05:06:42 CDT
The 2021 National FFA Convention is a hybrid event in that many of the events and sessions can be viewed online and in person in Indianapolis. The three major national speaking contests and the Leadership Development team competition had preliminary virtual contests- those who advanced successfully to compete in Indianapolis to in-person competition at the 94th National FFA Convention & Expo include:
Agricultural Communications Bartlesville
Agricultural Issues Oologah
Agricultural Sales Elgin
Agricultural Technology & Mechanical Systems Morrison
Environment & Natural Resources Allen
Extemporaneous Public Speaking Jared Stone, Chandler
Horse Evaluation Adair
Livestock Evaluation Adair
Meats Evaluation & Technology Tuttle
Parliamentary Procedure Kingfisher
Poultry Evaluation Watts
Prepared Public Speaking Wyatt Jensen, Altus
Also competing in person is our National FFA Officer candidate, Karstyn Cantrell, Skiatook. The 2021 natonal champions in the AgriScience and Proficiency awards have already been determined by virtual judging- and those winners will be revealed during the gneral sessions at the Convention. The same is true for the Stars over America. Oklahoma has one star finalist, Raegan Klaassen, Hydro-Eakly in the Star in Ag Production category (Star Farmer) and the Stars have already been judged and the four National Winners will be announced during the convention as well.
A full list of Oklahoma FFA members who are being honored or competing at the 94th National Convention can be seen by clicking on the PDF file link below.
The complete schedule of the 2021 94th National FFA Convention is available here.
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