Youth News
Introducing Austin Smith of the Hydro-Eakly FFA Chapter, Your 2022 Southwest Area Star in Agricultural Placement
Mon, 11 Apr 2022 09:22:41 CDT
During the month of April, the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and Oklahoma Farm Report is spotlighting the 17 Area Stars of Oklahoma FFA that are among the highest achievers in the organization.
The stars come from the five areas in four categories- Star in Ag Placement, Star in Agriscience, Star in Agribusiness and Star in Agricultural Production.
This week, we spotlight the four area stars in Agricultural Placement in 2022.
One Star Finalist featured in the coming days from each of the categories, will be named the State Star Award Winner during the 96th Oklahoma State FFA Convention coming up May 3 and 4th in Tulsa, Okla.
This week, our coverage of the 2022 Oklahoma FFA Star Award Finalists begins with Agricultural Placement competitor Austin Smith of the Hydro-Eakly FFA chapter representing the Southwest Area.
Smith's project involved working for his father's operation, Smith Farms, south of Weatherford, Okla.
From driving a tractor to building fence, Smith said he plays a large role in the day-to-day operation of Smith farms.
Smith describes his responsibilities to vary throughout the year.
"In the spring time, there is a lot of tractor driving from spraying grass, to cutting hay," Smith said. "In the summer, we spray the crop with the sprayer and plant rye in the fall, which goes into the cattle feeding and breeding."
Smith says he has a younger brother who works along side him and may follow in his footsteps with the project one day.
"I plan to take off to Fort Hays, Kansas and shoot some trap and get an agronomy degree there," Smith said. "Then, make my way back here and make my own operation like this with forage production and cattle production."
Click here for all the information available about the 2022 State FFA Convention as found on the Oklahoma FFA website.
Our coverage of the 2022 Oklahoma FFA Convention is sponsored by Hilliary Communications, serving more than 19,000 customers with telephone service in 22 counties throughout Oklahoma & Texas. The company also offers IP television service and internet speeds up to 1 Gig. Hilliary Communications continuously researches the marketplace for innovations and strives to improve underdeveloped areas, offering services that exceed customer expectations. Click here to learn more about Hilliary Communications.
Our stories from the 2022 Oklahoma FFA Convention will be located on our website within our Blue Green Gazette pages- and stories from this year and last can be seen by clicking here.
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