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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Your 2022 Oklahoma FFA Star in Agriscience- Rylee Smith of the Oologah FFA

Wed, 04 May 2022 15:16:58 CDT

Your 2022 Oklahoma FFA Star in Agriscience- Rylee Smith of the Oologah FFA The 2022 Oklahoma FFA Star in Agriscience is Rylee Smith, a member of the Oologah FFA. She is also the Northeast area Star in Agriscience.

Smith was named the statewide Star in Agriscience during the Wednesday afternoon General Session of the 96th Annual Convention of the Oklahoma FFA in Tulsa.

Smith and the other State Stars over Oklahoma will each receive $23,673 in scholarships or capital grant funds through a $3.2 million gift from the Carl C. Anderson Sr. and Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation. The late Carl C. Anderson, after whom the State Star awards are now named, was born in Naples, Oklahoma, in 1911. One of 10 children, he dropped out of high school to earn money and support his family. From those modest beginnings, the Anderson Corp. grew across the country as well as in Canada and South America.

After her name was called out- a video produced by Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays and JD Rosman with the Oklahoma Youth Expo. Watch that salute by clicking on the play button in the video box below.

Smith's project involved testing the nutrient levels, organic matter and compaction of the soil after cattle have been allowed to graze the land for different amounts of time. Her results show that cattle can add important elements to the soil with proper land management.

Smith has competed with many different projects throughout her FFA career, her favorites being those related to her passion, food science, she said.

"I won food science last year, so I couldn't compete again, so I had to go with environmental which deals with the soil plants are grown in, so it essentially it leads to the food science category," Smith said.

Smith's favorite project, she said, was her junior year of high school when she tested vitamin c levels in oranges after two weeks of storage in three different types of places, the said.

"The results show that the best storage method for oranges in the fridge," she said.

Smith plans to attend Oklahoma State University and double-major in agriculture education and agricultural communications.

She plans to become an ag teacher because of her love for the FFA and everything she has learned in it so far.

"Ag teachers get to help future leaders of the world," Smith said, "I have become so passionate about it I have decided I want to stay in it."

Click here for all the information available about the 2022 State FFA Convention as found on the Oklahoma FFA website.

Our coverage of the 2022 Oklahoma FFA Convention is sponsored by Hilliary Communications, serving more than 19,000 customers with telephone service in 22 counties throughout Oklahoma & Texas. The company also offers IP television service and internet speeds up to 1 Gig. Hilliary Communications continuously researches the marketplace for innovations and strives to improve underdeveloped areas, offering services that exceed customer expectations. Click here to learn more about Hilliary Communications.

Our stories from the 2022 Oklahoma FFA Convention will be located on our website within our Blue Green Gazette pages- and stories from this year and last can be seen by clicking here.



KC Sheperd talks with Rylee Smith about the 2022 Oklahoma FFA Convention in Tulsa
right-click to download mp3


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