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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Go All Out- Oklahoma FFA President Garrett Reed Ready to Lead at 2015 State Convention

Mon, 13 Apr 2015 09:25:48 CDT

Go All Out- Oklahoma FFA President Garrett Reed Ready to Lead at 2015 State Convention Garrett Reed is from Eastern Oklahoma and is representing the Locust Grove Chapter in Mayes County on the State Officer team for the second year. Reed is the 2014-2015 President of the Oklahoma FFA, and leads the organization made up of some 27,000 members from all across the state. The Oklahoma FFA is the fifth largest state FFA organization, in terms of number of members. Reed is currently a sophomore at Oklahoma State University.

Farm Director Ron Hays sat down and talked with Reed in Stillwater just a few weeks ahead of his "grand finale" as State FFA President- leading out at the 2015 State FFA Convention April 28 and 29 in downtown Oklahoma City. Hays and Reed talked about his life in the FFA organization, representing the state FFA at the national level as well as within the state as he interacted with business leaders and other adult supporters of the youth development organization. (Garrett Reed is pictured here with Ron Hays at the 2014 National FFA Convention Expo in Louisville, Ky this past October)

Reed told Hays that FFA has allowed him to develop his leadership skill set during his six years as a FFA member. He has participated in a variety of speech contests and other leadership activities- but his favorite career development event, however, was horse evaluation. I come from a chapter that has a rich tradition in judging horses. Over the years, Reed says he was able to compete and hold titles from national and world horse judging events.

Reed is being featured in April and May as one of the voices in an Oklahoma FFA radio campaign to raise awareness for the young men and ladies who wear the Blue and Gold jacket in the state of Oklahoma. The Campaign is being sponsored by SandRidge Energy, the Power of Us. Click here to learn more about the SandRidge story.

Once again in 2015, the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and Oklahoma Farm Report.Com will be offering extensive coverage of the 2015 State FFA Convention in downtown Oklahoma City. The Theme of the 2015 Convention is "Go All Out" and details about the many aspects of the 2015 Convention can be accessed by clicking here.

You can hear the full conversation that Ron Hays had with Garrett Reed by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below.


Ron Hays talks with Garrett Reed of Locust Grove about his six year career in the FFA Organization.
right-click to download mp3


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