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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Go All Out- Oklahoma FFA Secretary Gatlin Squires Finds True Beauty of FFA

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:51:46 CDT

Go All Out- Oklahoma FFA Secretary Gatlin Squires Finds True Beauty of FFA Some individuals are born to wear the blue jacket. In being the son and grandson of agricultural education teachers, Gatlin Squires knew at a young age that he would also wear the blue FFA coat one day.

"So, growing up FFA was basically a way of life for me," Squires said. "It was instilled in me at a very early age."

As an eighth grader, he joined the organization in Noble. In his sophomore year, he moved to Kingfisher where he joined the FFA organization. He began to participate in many career development events where he learned to speak extemporaneously, evaluate livestock as well as run a meeting with proper parliamentary procedure. As he began to grow within the jacket, grow within the organization and grow older, he realized how much more FFA was than what he initially thought and began to see the true beauty of the organization.

"The true beauty of FFA and the organization honestly for me is the family sense," said. "Obviously, I grew up in a FFA family where it was a passion that was shared by everybody in my family."

Through his FFA experience, he has found while members come from all different backgrounds, everyone shares this common thread of passion and enthusiasm for the FFA organization.

As the Oklahoma FFA Secretary, Squires is getting ready for the 2015 Oklahoma State FFA Convention in Oklahoma City. As he finishes out his FFA career, he said he will apply for the American FFA degree and the American Star in Agri-Science. He doesn't think his service to the FFA organization is done as he may apply for National FFA office. Radio Oklahoma Network Farm Director Ron Hays sat down with Gatlin Squires to talk about his FFA experience. Click or tap on the LISTENBAR below to listen to the full interview.

Squires is being featured in April and May as one of the voices in an Oklahoma FFA radio campaign to raise awareness for the young men and ladies who wear the Blue and Gold jacket in the state of Oklahoma. The Campaign is being sponsored by SandRidge Energy, the Power of Us. Click here to learn more about the SandRidge story.

Once again in 2015, the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and Oklahoma Farm Report.com will be offering extensive coverage of the 2015 State FFA Convention in downtown Oklahoma City. The Theme of the 2015 Convention is "Go All Out" and details about the many aspects of the 2015 Convention can be accessed by clicking here.


Ron Hays talks with Gatlin Squires about his FFA career and what FFA has meant to him
right-click to download mp3


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