Youth News
Oklahoma FFA Members Ready to Head to Indy for 2008 Gathering
Sun, 12 Oct 2008 14:55:31 CDT
The National FFA Convention is just around the corner- and Oklahoma FFA will be well represented by members from across the state. The list of acheivers that will represent the state in Indianapolis includes finalists in two of the four Star Competitions, as well as a very impressive 21 finalists in the Proficiency Award categories. The 21 means that Oklahoma has the most profiency award finalists in the country, ahead of Wisconsin with 18 and California with 13. The full list of those who will carry the Oklahoma torch high to the 81st national convention can be seen by clicking here.
Travis Schnaithman of Garber is a finalist for the Star Farmer of America, while Anthony Adams of Hooker is a finalist for the Star Agribusinessman of America. For the first time in recent memory, Oklahoma is going with a repeat candidate for National office, as Laila Hajii of the Guthrie FFA Chapter is making her second run at becoming a national officer.
We will be having regular updates from Indianapolis as we once again cover the national convention here at this website, as well as on the Radio Oklahoma Network. Our radio reports will be heard during our morning and midday farm news reports that are heard on our 34 radio stations all across the state.
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