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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Sale Order Released for 2017 Tulsa State Fair Junior Livestock Show Show Premium Sale

Thu, 05 Oct 2017 07:44:26 CDT

Sale Order Released for 2017 Tulsa State Fair Junior Livestock Show Show Premium Sale A PDF version of the Order of Sale for the Junior Livestock Auction for the 2017 Tulsa State Fair is now available. Click on the PDF link at the bottom of this story to open it and review the sale order of all 147 young people and their animals.

The sale order will have the Grand Champion Steer owned by Baylor Bonham leading off the sale order, followed by the Grand Champion Market Barrow, the Grand Champion Market Lamb, the Grand Champion Market Goat and finally the Grand Champion Pen of Broilers.   The Reserve Grand Champions follow- in all the Premium Sale of top animals shown this week in the Youth Market Divison will feature 147 young people and their animals.

The Grand Champion Steer was the final Champion selected and was the only one of the four Grands that was not preselected ahead of the Wednesday night session. Steer Judge Joel Cowley of Houston sorted through his nine breed champions and settled on the Champion Crossbred shown by Baylor Bonham of Newcastle FFA as his Grand Champion Steer for 2017. Cowley then used the Champion Maine Anjou shown by Ashley Kunkel of Afton FFA as the Reserve Grand Champion Steer of the 2017 Tulsa State Fair.

Shortly after Kunkel saw her Maine Anjou steer selected- we caught her smile of joy- it's the picture you see above.

The Grand Champion Market Barrow for 2017 is the Champion Duroc Barrow of the Fair- shown by Garrett Wellden of Guthrie FFA, with the Reserve Grand Barrow coming out of the Hampshire Barrow Show- and owned by Blaire Hawkins of Hinton FFA.

The Grand Champion and the Reserve Grand Champion Market Lambs were both Crossbreds- the Champion Crossbred Lamb owned by Brantlee Cox of Morrison FFA is your Grand Champion Market Lamb and the second best Crossbred Market Lamb of the Show was the Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb- owned and shown by Madelyn Scott of Central High FFA.

Finally, the top Market Wether Goat for the 2017 Tulsa State Fair was the Champion in Division Five of the Goat competition- shown by Allison McCracken of Claremore FFA. The Reserve Grand Goat of the Tulsa State Fair was the Division 2 Champ- owned by Tayen Redgate of Waynoka 4-H.

Tulsa also has a Broiler Chicken show- and the Grand Champion Brolier Pen is owned by Kelton Dowdle of Bessie FFA- Kelton's chickens will sell fifth in the Sale of Champions on Thursday evening at the Ford Truck Arena- starting at 5:00 PM.

Click here for our earlier story that features the list of all of the Breed and Division Champions and Reserve Champions that were a part of the Night of Champions on Wednesday.

Click here for our October Calendar which includes the Day by Day listing of the Livestock Shows still left to be judged at the 2017 Tulsa State Fair.



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