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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

OKFB Hosts Over 1,600 FFA and 4-H Members at 2018 YF&R Livestock Judging Contest During Fair

Fri, 14 Sep 2018 10:58:49 CDT

OKFB Hosts Over 1,600 FFA and 4-H Members at 2018 YF&R Livestock Judging Contest During Fair Over 1,600 4-H and FFA members competed on Thursday in the Oklahoma Farm Bureau's YF&R Livestock Judging Contest, during the opening day of the 2018 State Fair of Oklahoma.

Members of the Sentinel FFA Chapter Livestock Judging Team were awarded the top prize in the Senior FFA Division. Central High's Team 1 placed first in the Senior 4-H Division. The Junior Divisions were led by Lindsay FFA and Kay County 4-H.

Baylor Bonham of Newcastle FFA won the Senior FFA Division as the High Individual. Riley Scott of Central High had the top score in the Senior 4-H Division. Seth Tucker of Lindsay was named High Individual for the Junior FFA Division and Minco 4-H's Hallie Herrell placed at the top of the Junior 4-H Division for the day.

All the results from the 2018 Oklahoma Farm Bureau YF&R Livestock Judging Contest can be found by clicking or tapping here.



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