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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Tulsa State Fair Grand Champions Selected for 2019- Led by Grand Steer Shown by Kaid Reininger of Newcastle FFA

Thu, 03 Oct 2019 01:33:55 CDT

Tulsa State Fair Grand Champions Selected for 2019- Led by Grand Steer Shown by Kaid Reininger of Newcastle FFA The 2019 Grand and Reserve Champions were named at the Market Animal Show of the Tulsa State Fair on Wednesday evening- the top animals at the 2019 show will be featured in the Premium Sale of 4-H and FFA animals on Thursday afternoon at 5 PM at the Tulsa State Fair in the Ford Truck Arena.

Click on the PDF link below to see the Premium Sale Lineup for the 2019 sale. (Pictured here is the Grand Champion Steer at the 2019 show- a crossbred shown by Kaid Reininger of Newcastle FFA)

Winners include

Grand Champion Steer- Kaid Reininger, Newcastle FFA (Crossbred)
Reserve Grand Steer- Tate Bell, Bristol FFA (Chianina)

Grand Champion Barrow- Pace Mittelstaedt, Amber Pocasset FFA (Crossbred)
Reserve Grand Barrow- Madilyn Norvell, Amber Pocasset 4-H

Grand Champion Lamb- Mason Smith, Elk City FFA (Hampshire)
Reserve Grand Lamb- Jack Thomas, Beckham County 4-H (Hampshire)

Grand Champion Goat- Addyson Schneberger, Carnegie 4-H
Reserve Grand Goat- Dally Treadwell, Rogers County 4-H

Grand Champion Broilers- Zac Chitwood, Tipton FFA
Reserve Grand Broilers- Lukas Harmon, Mulhall Orlando FFA



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