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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Cara Cummings of Hollis FFA Shows Grand Champion Market Goat at 2021 Tulsa State Fair

Thu, 07 Oct 2021 06:29:07 EDT

Cara Cummings of Hollis FFA Shows Grand Champion Market Goat at 2021 Tulsa State Fair It was not your normal Grand Drive one day and Premium Auction the next day at the 2021 Tulsa State Fair. Tulsa has the reputation of being the second largest market animal show in the state of Oklahoma after OYE- and the premiere market animal show in the fall season.Earlier this year, Brandi Herndon and the Tulsa Ringmasters decided that things needed to change- and that 2021 was the year to do it. For several years- the Tulsa State Fair had held a night of Champions where the four species of market animals were brought together in the Ford Truck Arena where the Grand Champions were selected ahead of the Premium Sale the next day. The 2021 Night of Champions took that model- dumping the Premium Sale and instead asked the major donors to forego the appearance of an auction- donate up front and allow the end of show celebration all to be held on the Wednesday evening- spotlighting the top 150 4-H and FFA members who were the best of the show.

As in years past- the Grands were selected in Ford Truck Arena- but then as the Grand Champion was picked- that young person was inteviewed right on the spot- ran from the show ring to the stage where they were photgraphed and intreviewed again as they recevied an equivalent amount of money as a prize- then the process was repeated for that species for the Reseve Grand- and after that- the top breed winners and high placing youth were quickly introduced and a few seconds in the spotlight on stage.

Exhibitors who "MAKE THE STAGE" will be awarded a project scholarship. Project scholarships will be paid by check after the conclusion of the Tulsa State Fair directly to the exhibitor to assist with costs incurred while caring for their projects and to assist in the investment of future projects.

That process was repeated for each of the market species- first the Goats, then the Lambs, Barrows and finally the Steers. The Tulsa State Fair announced that close to $400,000 would be awarded to the top youth at the 2021 Market Show- not much different than recent years under the old Premium Auction System.

The top winners in the Market Goat Show for 2021 were:

Grand Champion Market Goat- Cara Cummings, Hollis FFA (Pictured above)

Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat- Jack Ferrell, Tuttle 4-H

More information on the Night of Champions at the 2021 Tulsa State Fair can be seen by clicking here

Hear Ron Hays talks with Brandi Herndon of the Tulsa State Fair about the Night of Champions by clicking here

Listen to KC Sheperd talk to the 2021 Market Steer Judge by clicking here

Official results of all of the ag shows at the 2021 Tulsa State Fair are available here.



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