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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Joshua Gilstrap of Stillwell Joins Teachers Across the Country to Share FFA and Agriculture Opportunities

Fri, 24 Jun 2022 05:05:50 CDT

Joshua Gilstrap of Stillwell Joins Teachers Across the Country to Share FFA and Agriculture Opportunities For years, teachers across the country have advocated for their students regardless of their environment - whether it be in-person, virtual or hybrid.

Agricultural education teachers are no exception. For the past few years, they have faced numerous challenges. This summer, they will be able to come together to share how they can work together to share the story of FFA and agricultural education in their states and communities. More than 70 agricultural education teachers will continue to share the story as part of the National Teachers Ambassadors for FFA program. That includes Joshua Gilstrap who is an Ag Ed instructor at Stilwell High School in Stilwell, Oklahoma.

The program, which began in 2016, provides teachers with the tools to share information about FFA and agricultural education with their communities. Teachers selected for the program receive intensive training in June and July to learn and collaborate on educational resources. Similar to last year, this year's training will be virtual.

Throughout the year, the ambassadors will present workshops and work with teachers from across the country to brainstorm and share ideas. Through the year, the ambassadors will serve as a voice of the organization to teachers across the country. They will, in turn, provide feedback from those in the educational field to the National FFA Organization. In addition, a few have been selected to serve as mentor ambassadors - providing support to others and feedback to the organization throughout the year.

"Our ambassadors are our key communicators for us - not only by sharing information out in the field but also by sharing with us the challenges our teachers and advisors face every day," said Christine White, chief program officer for the National FFA Organization. "Through this program, we equip teachers with the tools they need to be successful in not only developing future leaders but also in telling their stories."

Those individuals who have been selected to serve on the National Teacher Ambassador for FFA program are:

Kim Barhaug of Alaska; Allison Heald of Alabama; Isaiah Govea and Aleah Shook of Arizona; Brittany Lawrence, Kisia Weeks and Jacob Marek of Arkansas; Jason Ferreira*, Amanda Ferguson, and Cara Parlato of California; Kathryn Dal Zin of Connecticut; Olivia Aten of Delaware; Shelby Ball and Brian Skipper of Florida; Nancy Sell of Georgia; Kellsie Peterson of Idaho; Cassie Perrin of Illinois; Carlee Pickering*, Laura Crosby and Cameron Frazier of Indiana; Bridget Mahoney of Iowa; Laura Miller and Kim Clark* of Kansas; Magen Woods, Jacob Ball and Kristan Wright* of Kentucky; Kalyn Yount of Louisiana; Leasa Gudderra* of Maryland; Jennifer Woods of Michigan; Millie Chism McKinney, Shelby Bagnell, Lindsey Lasater and Josh Bondy* of Missouri; J.R. Pierce of Montana; Chelsea Leary, Amie Mabe, Amber Nead and Tyler D'Angelo of North Carolina; Deborah Stevens and Carrie Hough of New Hampshire; Tiffany Morey and Robin McLean of New Jersey; Leslie Clark of New Mexico; Breanna Pastir of North Dakota; Taylor Bogardus of New York; Stephanie Jolliff, Katie Black and Jeremy Ryan of Ohio; Joshua Gilstrap of Oklahoma; Madison Hynes of Oregon; Kenneth Barbosa of Puerto Rico; Jessica Ross, Terra Davis, Shana Boteler and Jessica Brown of Tennessee; Charlotte Main*, Lily Pruitt West*, Kasey Naylor and Logan Ross of Texas; Chad Warnick and Lisa Clement of Utah; Melissa Sease, Amy Whitten and Mackenah Roberts of Virginia; Julie Sions, Zach Tennant of West Virginia; Samantha White, Brenna Babcock, Emma Huber, and Jennifer Russell of Wisconsin; Grace Godfrey of Wyoming.

The National FFA Organization is a school-based national youth leadership development organization of more than 735,000 student members as part of 8,817 local FFA chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

*denotes the individuals who are also serving as mentors.



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