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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Emery Fisher of Okeene 4-H Wins Overall State Championship in 2022 Junior Wheat Show- Tanner Otto of Ponca FFA Tops FFA Division

Fri, 02 Dec 2022 04:25:52 CST

Emery Fisher of Okeene 4-H Wins Overall State Championship in 2022 Junior Wheat Show- Tanner Otto of Ponca FFA Tops FFA Division Emery Fisher, daughter of Clayton and Tara Fisher, was awarded the overall grand champion award showing her Doublestop CL Plus variety in the 2022 Oklahoma 4-H/FFA Junior Wheat Show. Fisher placed 4th in production and milling and 12th in baking, earning her the title of 1st place as the 4-H champion, and overall grand champion of the 4-H/FFA Junior Wheat Show. Fisher is from the Okeene 4-H chapter.
Tanner Otto, son of Chad and Bonnie, was awarded 1st place and FFA champion showing his Doublestop CL Plus variety in the 2022 Oklahoma 4-H/FFA Junior Wheat Show. Otto placed 3rd in production and milling and 14th in baking, earning him the awards.   Otto is a member of the Ponca City FFA chapter.
Fisher, a member of the Okeene 4-H club in Blaine County, received $3000 in scholarship monies for the 1st place and Champion win. Emery also won $750 premium from Oklahoma Genetics Inc (OGI) for winning 1st place and then Grand Champion overall in the competition with the Doublestop CL Plus variety. Emery also received a $500 premium for being 4-H champion and grand champion from WestBred® and received an additional $350 premium for 1st place and Grand Champion from the Oklahoma Wheat Research Foundation, along with a $22.50 premium for production, milling, bake contest and trophy.
Otto, a member of the Ponca City FFA in Kay County, received $3000 in scholarship monies for his accomplishments with his Doublestop CL Plus variety.   Tanner also won a $500 premium from Oklahoma Genetics Inc (OGI) for winning 1st place and FFA Champion with the Doublestop CL Plus variety and a $250 premium for being FFA champion from WestBred®. In addition, he received $100 premium for 1st place from the Oklahoma Wheat Research Foundation, along with a $27.50 premium for production, milling, bake contest and trophies.
FFA Junior Wheat Show winners were:

1st place and FFA Champion - Tanner Otto - Ponca City FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
2nd place - Ryder Klaassen - Hydro-Eakly FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
3rd place - Ashlee Purvine - Thomas-Fay-Custer FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
4th place - Colten Dillingham - Drummond FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
5th place - Destry Swaim - Okeene FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
6th place - Rebecca Purvine - Thomas-Fay-Custer FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
7th place - Ryder Klaassen - Hydro-Eakly FFA - Smith’s Gold
8th place - Grant Robison - Okeene FFA - Strad CL Plus
9th place - Brant Strader - Fairview FFA - Green Hammer
10th place - Destry Swaim - Okeene FFA - Strad CL Plus
11th place - Colby Kokojan - Drummond FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
12th place - Kenna Estes - Cleveland FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
13th place - Brant Strader - Fairview FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
14th place - Sutton Squires - Hobart FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
15th place - Hudson Squires - Hobart FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
16th place - Caleb Warner - Hydro-Eakly FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
17th place - Kaelyn Kokojoan - Drummond FFA - LCS Julep
18th place - Kaelyn Kokojoan - Drummond FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
19th place - Grant Robison - Okeene FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
20th place - Parker Payne - Thomas-Fay-Custer FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
21st place - Avery Fisher - Okeene FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
22nd place - Marlee Pecha - Timberlake FFA - Green Hammer
23rd place - Bryer Roberts - Okeene FFA - Doublestop CL Plus
24th place - Rylee Glazier - Lomega FFA - Strad CL Plus
25th place - Lillian Roush - Arapaho-Butler FFA - Smith’s Gold

4-H Junior Wheat Show winners were:

1st place & Grand Champion - Emery Fisher - Okeene 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus
2nd place - Clinton Chaney - Medford 4-H - Green Hammer
3rd place - Jayce Rose Schultz - Okeene 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus
4th place - Kendra Dillingham - Drummond 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus
5th place - Evyn Strader - Fairview 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus
6th place - Taylor Otto - K-Pals 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus
7th place - Baylea Robison - Okeene 4-H - Strad CL Plus
8th place - Brayson Roberts - Okeene 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus
9th place - Tyler Sawyer - Okeene 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus
10th place - Logan Chance - Okeene 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus
11th place - Clinton Chaney - Medford 4-H - WB4515
12th place - Landon Poe - Okeene 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus
13th place - Luke Poe - Okeene 4-H - Smith’s Gold
14th place - Bryson Sawyer - Okeene 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus
15th place - Davin Budy - Alva 4-H - Smith’s Gold
16th place - Baylea Robison - Okeene 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus
17th place - Bryson Sawyer - Okeene 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus
18th place - Mia Forman - Lomega 4-H - LCS Photon AX
19th place - Mia Forman - Lomega 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus
20th place - Evyn Strader - Fairview 4-H - Showdown
21st place - Logan Chance - Okeene 4-H - Green Hammer
22nd place - Remington Farney - Burlington 4-H - Smith’s Gold
23rd place - Tyler Sawyer - Okeene 4-H - Green Hammer
24th place - Breck Failes - Cherokee 4-H - Strad CL Plus
25th place - Kenley Krows - Seiling 4-H - Doublestop CL Plus

The Oklahoma Wheat Commission works to promote greater utilization of wheat in both domestic and international markets through research, market development, and public education. Five wheat producers representing designated districts across the state serve as the Oklahoma Wheat Commission’s board of directors. Current officers are Michael Peters, Chairman, Okarche; David Gammill, Vice-Chairman, Chattanooga; Don Schieber, Secretary-Treasurer, Ponca City; R.J. Parrish, Hunter, member and Jerry Wiebe, Hooker, member.



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