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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

OYE Already Smashing Records as Over 25,000 Animals and Exhibits Entered for 2022 Show

Wed, 02 Mar 2022 16:03:24 CST

OYE Already Smashing Records as Over 25,000 Animals and Exhibits Entered for 2022 Show The stage is set for the 2022 Oklahoma Youth Expo coming up March 7th through the 18th at the Oklahoma City Fairgrounds. Kass Newell, Executive Vice President of the Oklahoma Youth Expo says "the entries are up again at the OYE by around 2,000 entries when you total everything together, which is incredible."

She adds "to no surprise, the hogs are up the most of anything again this year for both gilts and barrows." Over fifteen thousand gilts and barrows have been entered for the 2022 event.

Oklahoma Farm Report Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays talked with Kass Newell about the record breaking numbers and a return to a more normal OYE in 2022- click on the Listen Bar at the bottom of this story to hear their conversation.

Newell is also looking forward to a "normal" schedule in 2022. In 2020, the OYE was cut short after most of the breeding classes were shown because of the COVID shutting down public events in central Oklahoma in mid March- and in 2021, PEDv concerns forced a major shift in the hog shows- having the barrows show in their normal time frame while the breeding gilts did not show up until after the barrow show was concluded and the Premium Sale of Champions was held- this was done to offer the best chance to protect the health of the animals showing and the hog herds back home.

This year- the breeding gilts will be among the first of the animals to arrive and the commercial breeding gilts start the animal show on Thursday March 10th in Barn 6. The first judging of the 2022 OYE will occur in the Oklahoma Building as the Ag Mechanics Contest is back for it's third year.

With the entry deadline now passed- the numbers of animals that are eligble to come to OYE by being entered have jumped by about 2,000 from 2021 and over 2,800 compared to 2020. 25,034 entries were received into the OYE office- and based on perentages entered versus those who have arrived at the Fairgrounds over the last couple of years- record large shows in all the barns are a real possibility. 7,499 exhibitors submitted these entries, representing all 77 Oklahoma Counties.

Breaking down the entries by species and division:

Market Steers 890

Breeding Heifers 1955

Breeding Gilts 7738

Market Barrows 7628

Breeding Ewes 1263

Market lamb              2273

Market Goats             1354

Does                         1646

Ag Mech               152

Click here for the complete schedule of the 2022 OYE. The complete OYE website is available here.

Our coverage of the 2022 Oklahoma Youth Expo is sponsored by Hilliary Communications, serving more than 19,000 customers with telephone service in 22 counties throughout Oklahoma & Texas. The company also offers IP television service and internet speeds up to 1 Gig. Hilliary Communications continuously researches the marketplace for innovations and strives to improve underdeveloped areas, offering services that exceed customer expectations. Click here to learn more about Hilliary Communications.

You can see all of our pictures from the 2022 OYE in our 2022 OYE Flickr album- available here.

Our stories from the Oklahoma Youth Expo will be located on our website within our Blue Green Gazette pages- and stories from this year and last can be seen by clicking here.

Our picture above comes from the 2021 OYE- the high selling purebred gilt at the Night of Champions Gilt Sale- the Reserve Supreme Champion Purebred that brought $60,000 was the champion Poland, shown by Bray Wright of Waukomis 4-H.



Ron Hays talks with Kass Newell about the entries and a hope for normal at 2022 OYE
right-click to download mp3


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