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Ron Hays, Director of Farm Programming Radio Oklahoma Network  |  7401 N. Kelley Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73111  |  (405) 841-3675  |  Fax: (405) 841-3674


Youth News

From the OYE- the 2009 Kid Doe Show is Underway

Sun, 15 Mar 2009 18:06:40 CDT

From the OYE- the 2009 Kid Doe Show is Underway The 2009 Oklahoma Youth Expo is now underway- with the Kid Doe Show underway on Sunday. The number of animals entered in the 2009 event is staggering- and shows that even with the current economy- the junior livestock shows in our country are considered a prime teaching tool for our young people. Our picture is of the Kid Doe show on Sunday afternoon. We will have results later on Sunday evening.

Our thanks for Beth Norvell at the OYE office for getting us the final entry numbers as we head for the star of the 2009 show. They include the following breakdown:

Steers - 766
Heifers - 1354
Barrows - 4105
Gilts - 3078
Wether Lambs - 1552
Ewes - 517
Wether Goats - 1510
Doe Kids - 905
Total Animal Entries - 13787

Showing the more than 13,700 entries will be 6,246 young people from all 77 counties across the state. When we say it's the world's largest junior livestock show- that's not idle chatter- it's the real deal.



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