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Howdy Neighbors!
Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

2022 Oklahoma Youth Expo SKILLATHON WINNERS

Tue, 15 Mar 2022 10:33:38 CDT

2022  Oklahoma Youth Expo SKILLATHON WINNERS 2022 Oklahoma Youth Expo SKILLATHON WINNERS The OYE Skillathon will be a written exam based on cumulative knowledge over the four livestock species shown at OYE: beef, swine, sheep and goats. In order to qualify to take the test, ALL students must have completed certification in YCQA.


1. Emerson Belt
2. Kinley Tolle
3. Sheridan Soules
4. Ryder King
5. Sadler Greg


1. Bridger Arrington
2. Paisley Beshear
3. Claire Janssen
4. Lauren Crosthwait
5. William Jasper


1. Sydney Melton
2. Taylor McConnell
3. Ethan Stone
4. Ryne Crosthwait
5. Bella Sargent

Scholarships will be presented prior to the OYE Grand Drive on Thursday, March 17th in State Fair Arena. Winners must be wearing official dress for the presentation.

Pics courtesy of ODAFF

Click here for the complete schedule of the 2022 OYE. The complete OYE website is available here.

Our coverage of the 2022 Oklahoma Youth Expo is sponsored by Hilliary Communications, serving more than 19,000 customers with telephone service in 22 counties throughout Oklahoma & Texas. The company also offers IP television service and internet speeds up to 1 Gig. Hilliary Communications continuously researches the marketplace for innovations and strives to improve underdeveloped areas, offering services that exceed customer expectations. Click here to learn more about Hilliary Communications.

You can see all of our pictures from the 2022 OYE in our 2022 OYE Flickr album- available here.

Our stories from the Oklahoma Youth Expo will be located on our website within our Blue Green Gazette pages- and stories from this year and last can be seen by clicking here.



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