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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Records Were Broken as OYE Sale of Champions Hits $1.5 Million Mark

Sat, 19 Mar 2022 11:27:11 CDT

Records Were Broken as OYE Sale of Champions Hits $1.5 Million Mark The final event of the 2022 Oklahoma Youth Expo was truly a grand finale- with records falling as 212 market animals were led or driven through the sale ring and the agricultural and business community of the Oklahoma rewarded those 4-H and FFA members for the hard work they had invested into their projects. The result- a record $1.5 million dollars was awarded to Oklahoma's Ag Youth.

For the third time in the history of the Oklahoma Youth Expo(and it's predecessors)- the Grand Champion Steer brought six figures. The Grand Champion Steer, owned by Sadie Wynn of Newcastle 4-H was sold for $102,000 to a buyers consortium that included Bob Funk and Express Ranches, Livestock Nutrition, Bank of Western Oklahoma, McAfee and Taft, Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce and Generator Superstore. Sadie's Steer was the Champion Crossbred before being selected as the Grand Champion of the show by judge Jack Ward.

The $102,000 was the second most ever paid for the Grand Steer at the OYE- second only to the $115,000 paid in 2018 at the 100th Anniversary Celebration of the show. The only other time the Steer was hit six figures came in 2015 when $101,000 was paid out.

The Reserve Grand Champion Steer was led into the ring by owner Ladd Turner of the Amber -Pocasset 4-H- his steer brought $51,000 and was purchased by Oklahoma AgCredit, Niemann, Rockgate, Bob Funk and Express Ranches and First Liberty Bank.

The Grand Champion Barrow was shown and owned by Cade Rea of the Hydro Eakly FFA. Cade is a senior at Hydro Eakly and plans on attending Oklahoma State University- his story is amazing and he share a small part of it with Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture Blayne Arthur after his barrow brought a record price of $52,500. Watch their conversation in the video box below.

Cade Rea's barrow was purchased by Westgate Marketplace, Bank of Western Oklahoma, Oklahoma Farm Bureau's YF&R, Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma, Community of Hydro and Randy Renberger.

The 2022 Grand Barrow sold for easily more than the recent Grand Barrows which have brought $25,000 in 2021, 2019, 2018 and 2017.

The Reserve Grand Champion Barrow was owned by Landon Leathers of Rattan 4-H and his barrow brought $15,000 and was purchased by Blue and Gold Sausage, Hudiburg Auto Group and the Oklahoma Pork Council.

It was a double day of memories that young Sayde Allen of Canute 4-H enjoyed- as she showed the Grand Champion Market Lamb and the Grand Champion Market Goat. Her lamb was purchased for $15,000 and the buyer group included CSTK and the OKC Fairgrounds and the State Fair of Oklahoma.

Sayde's Grand Champion Market Goat was also purchased for $15,000- and bought by McDonalds all across Oklahoma, the Diamond Hats and Bank of Western Oklahoma.

The Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb was shown by Myka Elliott of Kingfisher FFA and sold for $10,000 and was purchased by Generator Supercenter of Oklahoma.

The Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat was shown by Jase Sparks of Hartshorne 4-H and also sold for $10,000 and was purchased by Diamond Hats, the Choctaw Nation and Pfeiffer Farms.

Bronze Medallion Winners included:

Market Steer shown by Colby Kokojan of Drummond FFA- Sold for $15,000 and purchased by Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma, Farm Credit of Enid and P&K Equipment

Market Barrow shown by Noah Palmer of McCurtain County 4-H- Sold for $7,600 and purchased by OKC Fairgrounds and State Fair of Oklahoma.

Market Lamb shown by Paislee Hill of Sapulpa 4-H- Sold for $6,000 and purchased by Cusack Meats, Bank of Western Oklahoma and OYE.

Pictures of the Sale of Champions all the way back to the Ag Mechanics show are available in our Flickr Album- available here.

The OYE website is available here.

Our coverage of the 2022 Oklahoma Youth Expo is sponsored by Hilliary Communications, serving more than 19,000 customers with telephone service in 22 counties throughout Oklahoma & Texas. The company also offers IP television service and internet speeds up to 1 Gig. Hilliary Communications continuously researches the marketplace for innovations and strives to improve underdeveloped areas, offering services that exceed customer expectations. Click here to learn more about Hilliary Communications.

You can see all of our pictures from the 2022 OYE in our 2022 OYE Flickr album- available here.

Our stories from the Oklahoma Youth Expo will be located on our website within our Blue Green Gazette pages- and stories from this year and last can be seen by clicking here.



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