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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Tyler Rhodes of Indiahoma FFA Wins Grand Champion Lamb for Second Time in Three Years at OYE

Mon, 19 Mar 2012 06:26:49 CDT

Tyler Rhodes of Indiahoma FFA Wins Grand Champion Lamb for Second Time in Three Years at OYE For the second time in three years, Tyler Rhodes has won the big prize for those showing sheep at the Oklahoma Youth Expo. In 2010, Rhodes showed "Bob" and won the Grand Championship of that year's Lamb Drive after being named the Natural Color Champion- and here in 2012- it was the Champion Hampshire that was singled out by judge Marvin Ensor to be the best of the show- owned by this sophomore from Indiahoma FFA.

Winning Sheep Shows in Oklahoma City is getting to be a family tradition for Tyler's clan- as his Mom won the Market Lamb show in Oklahoma City back in 1985.

The Reserve Grand Champion Barrow at the 2012 OYE was the Reserve Champion Hampshire, shown by Luke Davis of the Guthrie FFA.

These two lambs will join the other Champions to lead off the 2012 OYE Sale of Champions on Monday afternoon at 4 PM at the State Fair Arena. We talked to all three Grand Champion winners after their selection on Sunday afternoon- and you can hear comments with us by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below.

We have pictures of the Champions and the Reserves that competed in the Lamb Show finale- and many more from the entire 2012 OYE- click here for our full set of photos from the ten days of the event. They have been put up in chronological order- scroll down towards the end for the lamb show pics from Sunday.

Here's the full rundown of the Champion and Reserve Champions for each of the breeds shown at the 2012 show:


Champion William Maltbie, Burlington FFA

Reserve Hanna Runner, Perkins-Tryon FFA


Champion Taylor Davis, Walter FFA

Reserve Emily Smith, Beckham 4-H


Champion Sierra Washmon, Woodward 4-H

Reserve Peyton Burns, Kingfisher 4-H

Natural Colored

Champion Amber Cox, Morrison FFA

Reserve Garrett Goodwin Tonkawa FFA


Champion William Maltbie, Burlington FFA

Reserve Bree Elliott, El Reno 4-H


Champion- Faith Valega, Perkins Tryon FFA

Reserve- Abigail Anderson, Ringwood 4-H


Champion Tyler Rhoades, Indiahoma FFA

Reserve Luke Davis, Guthrie FFA


Champion- Kayla Brown, Merritt FFA

Reserve- Luke Davis, Guthrie FFA


Ron Hays talks with all three Grand Champion winners on Sunday afternoon at the OYE
right-click to download mp3


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