Oklahoma Farm Report's Blue-Green Gazette coverage of 4-H and FFA events masthead graphic with logos from those 2 organizations.
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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Top 10 Students Named in AFR Ag Achievement Contest

Mon, 19 Mar 2012 15:44:55 CDT

Top 10 Students Named in AFR Ag Achievement Contest
Students from across the state were named the top 10 students of the American Farmers and Ranchers (AFR) Ag Achievement Contest, preceding the selection of grand champion animals at the Oklahoma Youth Expo. The contest recognizes Oklahoma youth who have an interest in livestock, excel in showmanship skills and have knowledge of the livestock industry to include production, management, processing and end product utilization. It is the only contest in the state which recognizes all facets of livestock projects.

The top 10 students, in order of placing, were, Tanner Allread, Union City; Trent Boles, Asher; Barrett Powell, Ringwood; Annie Jo Gilbert, Choctaw; Katie Lippoldt, Kingfisher; K.C. Barnes, Hulbert; Kacey Rogers, Canton; Denton Lowe, Amber-Poccassett; Tylen Layton, Copan and Cassi Allread, Union City.

The program's goal is to stimulate excellence and a quest for knowledge that will result in the development of leadership skills applicable to the livestock industry. Over 40 high school 4-H & FFA members exhibiting breeding and/or market beef, sheep or swine at OYE participated in the contest.

Students were judged based on their showmanship abilities in their specific species of choice, a 100-question written exam and an interview. The top participants were not only recognized, but awarded cash scholarships totaling $4,500 and an AFR jacket.

"On behalf of AFR it is our honor to recognize these young people for their outstanding skills and efforts," said AFR President Terry Detrick. "These students proved they are the brightest and the best of the best, and we are proud to have them represent not only AFR but our agricultural youth across the State."



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