Oklahoma Farm Report's Blue-Green Gazette coverage of 4-H and FFA events masthead graphic with logos from those 2 organizations.
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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Oklahoma House Speaker Jeff Hickman Remembers His Show Days And Celebrates With OYE

Wed, 19 Mar 2014 06:46:33 CDT

Oklahoma House Speaker Jeff Hickman Remembers His Show Days And Celebrates With OYE Eighty lawmakers traveled over from Lincoln Avenue to State Fair Park in Oklahoma City on Tuesday afternoon to be a part of the 2014 Oklahoma Youth Expo Legislative and Celebrity Showmanship Contest. The lawmakers received a quick education about how to show a pig, lamb, goat or steer- and then took part in the contest. When the dust had setted on the floor of the Jim Norrick Arena, the judges declared the winner of the 2014 contest to be the Speaker of the Oklahoma House- Jeff Hickman of Fairview. (Pictured here is Speaker Hickman with OYE Board Member Jimmy Harrell as the Speaker receives the Senator Kerr Traveling Trophy for winning the contest)

We talked with Hickman as he prepared to lead a lamb around the show ring as he remembered his days as a member of the Cherokee FFA Chapter and his days at the Junior Livestock Show in Oklahoma City each spring. He called the Tuesday night event a wonderful opportunity to allow lawmakers, both rural and urban, to interact with young 4-H and FFA members- and to get insight into the work it takes to be successful in the show ring- and the lessons that these young people learn and will carry with them for a lifetime.

Click on the LISTEN BAR below to hear our full conversation with first Speaker Hickman and then with Representative Don Armes of Faxon- former Chair of the House Ag Committee and longtime advocate of the stock show scene across the state.

Pictures of the Tuesday night contest and all of the other action over the course of the OYE thus far can be found in the photo set for the 2014 Oklahoma Youth Expo we have set up on FLICKR- Click here to go and check out our growing number of pictures in our 2014 collection.

The Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Multi Media Platform coverage of the Oklahoma Youth Expo is powered by Devon Energy- where commitment runs deep- and by the Title Sponsor of the 2014 OYE, McDonald's- I'm Loving It.



Ron Hays talks with Jeff Hickman and Don Armes at the 2014 Oklahoma Youth Expo
right-click to download mp3


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