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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Grand Champion Market Lamb Shown by Lydia Straka of El Reno 4-H

Fri, 20 Mar 2015 05:41:42 CDT

Grand Champion Market Lamb Shown by Lydia Straka of El Reno 4-H The 2015 Grand Champion Drive of Champions has concluded- and the Grand Champion Market Lamb was shown by Lydia Straka of the El Reno 4-H Club. Straka exhibited the Champion Hampshire that ended up being selected as the best in the 100th Anniversary edition of the OYE. Straka is seen pictured here.

The Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb came out of the Crossbred competition- shown by Cal Davis of the Guthrie FFA Chapter.

The Bronze Medalion winner- signifying the third best animal in the show- is Emily Smith of the Elk City FFA- she was showing the Champion Natural Color Lamb.

The Grand Champion Market Lamb will be the third animal sold in the Sale of Champions on Friday afternoon at State Fair Arena. You can click on the PDF link at the bottom of this story for the complete sale order.

The 2015 Breed Champion Market Lamb Exhibitors include:

Champion Hair- Phoebe Rogers, Amber-Pocasset FFA
Champion Southdown- Kaisen Walker, Fredrick FFA
Champion Shropshire- Lydia Straka, El Reno 4-H
Champion Dorset- Kyra Elliott, Maple 4-H
Champion Speckleface- Mason Harris, Morrison 4-H
Champion Natural Color- Emily Smith, Elk City FFA
Champion Hampshire- Lydia Straka, El Reno 4-H
Champion Suffolk- Blake Skidgel, Pawnee 4-H
Champion Crossbred- Cal Davis, Guthrie FFA

Reserve Champions include:

Reserve Champion Hair- Carly Schwedtfeger, Stratford 4-H
Reserve Champion Southdown- Braden Burns, Kingfisher 4-H
Reserve Champion Shropshire- Mason Smith, Elk City 4-H
Reserve Champion Dorset- Grace Valega, Perkins-Tryon FFA
Reserve Champion Speckleface- Payton Harris, Morrison 4-H
Reserve Champion Natural Color- Lydia Straka, El Reno 4-H
Reserve Champion Hampshire- Blake Skidgel, Pawnee 4-H
Reserve Champion Suffolk- Emiley Shell, Waukomis FFA
Reserve Champion Crossbred- Payton Harris, Morrison FFA

Our Coverage of the 2015 Oklahoma Youth Expo is a service of ITC, Your Energy Superhighway- learn more about this high voltage, transmission only utility and their commitment to the communities they serve which is the cornerstone of their business- click here for their website. We also salute the title sponsor of the 2015 OYE, McDonalds- click here for the Oklahoma website for the Golden Arches.

Reports will be heard daily on great radio stations that cover Oklahoma and that are a part of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network- on the internet- our reports of the 2015 OYE can be found on the Blue Green Gazette page- available here. We will be adding pictures daily to our official 2015 OYE Album of Photos on FLICKR, found here.




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