Oklahoma Farm Report's Blue-Green Gazette coverage of 4-H and FFA events masthead graphic with logos from those 2 organizations.
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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

OSU Finds Success at Recruiting Prospective Students by Fostering Relationships Early On

Thu, 16 Mar 2017 15:29:25 CDT

OSU Finds Success at Recruiting Prospective Students by Fostering Relationships Early On The Oklahoma Youth Expo put on another successful OSU Day at the show this past Wednesday, showcasing what all Oklahoma State University's College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources has to offer. Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Associate Farm Director Carson Horn spoke with the event's organizer, Kristi Bishop, CASNR's coordinator of prospective students. Listen in on their conversation about OSU's involvement with OYE to recruit their target students, by clicking or tapping the LISTEN BAR below at the bottom of this story.

"These students at the Oklahoma Youth Expo have that strong work ethic, the dedication and the love for agriculture," she said. "So, this is our opportunity for us to come together and celebrate that joint love with CASNR and the Oklahoma Youth Expo."

Bishop highlights that this opportunity allows CASNR faculty and students to interact with a younger group of prospective students than they normally get to meet.

"We think that's great," Bishop exclaimed. "We can reach them at a young age and show them that we at OSU think that what they're doing here at the Oklahoma Youth Expo is cool."

Events such as this have proven to be a very effective tool for the university, hoping to attract hard working students like those exhibiting at OYE.

"It's cool to watch them kind of grow up through these FFA and 4-H programs," she said, "and then have them enroll at OSU and we've had a relationship with them for a few years at that point."

Our Coverage of the 2017 Oklahoma Youth Expo is a service of ITC Great Plains, Your Energy Superhighway- learn more about this high voltage, transmission only utility and their commitment to the communities they serve which is the cornerstone of their business- click here for their website. We also salute the title sponsor of the 2017 OYE, McDonalds- click here for more information about how McDonalds sources USDA inspected beef from US ranchers- as well as the other responsibly grown food you enjoy under the Golden Arches.

Reports will be heard daily on great radio stations that cover Oklahoma and that are a part of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network- on the internet- our reports of the 2017 OYE can be found on the Blue Green Gazette page- available here. We will be adding pictures daily to our official 2017 OYE Album of Photos on FLICKR, found here.

For more information about the Oklahoma Youth Expo, click here for the home page of the OYE website.

Click here for the complete schedule of all of the events at the 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo.



Listen to Carson Horn speak with CASNR's Kristi Bishop about OSU's involvement with the OYE
right-click to download mp3


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