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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Market Hog Judge Will Winter Reflects on His Experience During the Oklahoma Youth Expo this Year

Fri, 17 Mar 2017 16:18:10 CDT

Market Hog Judge Will Winter Reflects on His Experience During the Oklahoma Youth Expo this Year After making his final selection for the Grand Champion Barrow at the Oklahoma Youth Expo during the grand drive last night, which went to the Hampshire champ shown by Adison Thompson of Noble 4-H, market hog judge, Will Winter, took a few minutes to speak with Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays about his experience this past week at the show. Click or tap the LISTEN BAR below at the bottom of this story to listen to Hays and Winter reflect on the OYE market hog show during the grand drive.

"It was a great event over three days," he reflected. "We went through 2,200 head. The best run show in my life and absolutely the greatest set of kids that I've gotten a chance to judge. The set of pigs was phenomenal."

When it comes to what he's looking for in a hog, Winter says it's hard to reconcile all that makes a good show animal and relate that back to what would work realistically for the commercial man.

"We try to make sure they've got some body and some fleshing ability to them," Winter reasoned, emphasizing the importance of skeletal structure and build as well. "But ultimately, the feet and legs is where it always starts for me because that ultimately incorporates the longevity of the pig. try to make sure their skeleton, their build, the way they're put together and their feet and legs is of most importance because that ultimately incorporates the longevity of the pig. That's what we all want to make sure these things will be around for a while."

Our Coverage of the 2017 Oklahoma Youth Expo is a service of ITC Great Plains, Your Energy Superhighway- learn more about this high voltage, transmission only utility and their commitment to the communities they serve which is the cornerstone of their business- click here for their website. We also salute the title sponsor of the 2017 OYE, McDonalds- click here for more information about how McDonalds sources USDA inspected beef from US ranchers- as well as the other responsibly grown food you enjoy under the Golden Arches.

Reports will be heard daily on great radio stations that cover Oklahoma and that are a part of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network- on the internet- our reports of the 2017 OYE can be found on the Blue Green Gazette page- available here. We will be adding pictures daily to our official 2017 OYE Album of Photos on FLICKR, found here.

For more information about the Oklahoma Youth Expo, click here for the home page of the OYE website.

Click here for the complete schedule of all of the events at the 2016 Oklahoma Youth Expo.



Click the LISTEN BAR below at the bottom of this story to listen to Hays and Winter reflect on OYE
right-click to download mp3


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