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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108   | &nbsp(405) 601-9211


Youth News

Oklahoma Youth Expo Entries Hit All Time Record High- 19,477 Entered for 2018 Edition of the World's Largest Junior Livestock Show

Mon, 26 Feb 2018 10:44:30 CST

Oklahoma Youth Expo Entries Hit All Time Record High- 19,477 Entered for 2018 Edition of the World's Largest Junior Livestock Show As the 2018 Oklahoma Youth Expo nears, the entry deadline has come and gone- and a total of 19,477 animals have been entered for the four species that will once again be shown at State Fair Park. OYE officials tell the Oklahoma Farm Report that this is over a thousand more entries than were submitted in 2017 and is an all time record high for what has been known for many years as the world's largest junior livestock show.

Here is the breakdown of the entries by species and by either market animal or breeding animal:

Steers- 723

Heifers- 1,865

Gilts- 5,760

Barrows- 5,851

Market Lamb- 1,760

Ewes- 1,228

Market Goat- 1,060

Does- 1,230

Our Coverage of the 2018 Oklahoma Youth Expo is a service of ITC Great Plains, Your Energy Superhighway- learn more about this high voltage, transmission only utility and their commitment to the communities they serve which is the cornerstone of their business- click here for their website. We also salute the title sponsor of the 2018 OYE, McDonalds- click here for more information about how McDonalds sources USDA inspected beef from US ranchers- as well as the other responsibly grown food you enjoy under the Golden Arches.

Reports will be heard daily on great radio stations that cover Oklahoma and that are a part of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network- on the internet- our reports of the 2018 OYE can be found on the Blue Green Gazette page- available here. We will be adding pictures daily to our official 2018 OYE Album of Photos on FLICKR, found by clicking or tapping here.

For over a hundred years, the youth of the state of Oklahoma have come to Oklahoma City to compete with the best livestock their generation has to offer. In the 1920's and the 1930's the shows formal title was "The Oklahoma City Fat Stock Show." For nearly 60 years the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce and the dedicated volunteer base of the Sirloin Club of Oklahoma managed the show

In 2001, the Junior Livestock Show was reorganized and renamed the Oklahoma Youth Expo.

The Expo is a program conducted by the Oklahoma Youth Expo (OYE), an Oklahoma-­based 501c(3) nonprofit in partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Food and Forestry (ODAFF), Oklahoma State University, the Sirloin Club, the Southwest American Livestock Foundation, the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, and the State Fair of Oklahoma. Its mission is to provide a venue and program to display the finest quality market and breeding livestock in the country that facilitates agricultural production projects, and to fund higher education opportunities for hundreds of youth pursuing studies in agriculture. OYE's success is synonymous with and driven by the success of Oklahoma's rural prosperity, thriving agriculture economy, and education of future agriculture leaders.

Today, the Oklahoma Youth Expo is recognized as the largest youth event in the state of Oklahoma. The livestock show brings over 7,000 exhibitors along with their educators and families from all of Oklahoma's 77 counties. Over the course of the ten-day event, OYE has a $24 million impact on Oklahoma City.

For more information, click here for the home page of the OYE website.

Click here for the complete schedule of all of the events at the 2018 Oklahoma Youth Expo.



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