Youth News
Market Hog Show Now Underway at 2009 OYE- Here are First Three Breed Winners
Fri, 20 Mar 2009 16:50:49 CDT
The 2009 Oklahoma Youth Expo's Market Hog Show has been running since first thing on Friday morning. As of early afternoon, three of the five breeds to be shown on Friday were complete. We have those results below- Our picture here is of the Duroc breed show as it was wrapping up in the early afternoon. The 2009 Lead Market Hog judge is Warren Beeler of Frankfort, Ky.
Here are the first three breeds that have had their top animals selected:
Berkshire Barrow
Champion Caleb Ferguson Big Pasture FFA
Reserve Garrett Nichols Fox FFA
Chester White Barrow
Champion Waylon Henderson Bristow FFA
Reserve Ty Davis Walters 4-H
Duroc Barrow
Champion Kyle Osborn Tuttle FFA
Reserve James White Indianola FFA
We will have further updates later today and on Saturday/Sunday as well.
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