Youth News
Market Lamb Show Completes Second Day at the 2009 OYE- Six Breed Winners Named
Sat, 21 Mar 2009 17:51:37 CDT
The Market L:amb Show of the Oklahoma Youth Expo has wrapped up the first two days of the three day show- with judge Keith Berry of Iowa having now judged six breeds, with the Hampshires and Crossbreds still to be judged on Sunday. The Grand Champion lineup for the Market Lamb show will occur Sunday evening at around 7:00 PM.
Our picture here is of some of the lambs still to be shown getting some exercise before their time before the judge on Sunday.
The breeds where we now have the top animals picked include the following:
Dorset Market Lamb
Champion- Trenton Jullian, Mt. View- Gotebo 4-H
Reserve- Olivia Mason, Fairview FFA
Shropshire Market Lamb
Champion- Kanden Urban, Navajo 4-H
Reserve- Jill Davis, Guthrie FFA
Southdown Market Lamb
Champion- Payton Van Meter, Fairview FFA
Reserve- Larriann Chambers, Tushka FFA
Specklefaced Market Lamb
Champion- Luke Davis, Guthrie FFA
Reserve- Ronna Bradbeary, Tuttle FFA
Suffolk Market Lamb
Champion- Olivia Mason, Fairview FFA
Reserve- McKenzie Clifton, Kingfisher FFA
Natural Market Lamb
Champion Shelby Bates, Washington FFA
Reserve- Cooper Newcomb, Merritt FFA
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