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Howdy Neighbors!
Ron Hays, Director of Farm Programming Radio Oklahoma Network  |  7401 N. Kelley Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73111  |  (405) 841-3675  |  Fax: (405) 841-3674


Youth News

Day One of Market Steer Show Complete at Oklahoma Youth Expo

Sat, 21 Mar 2009 17:40:25 CDT

Day One of Market Steer Show Complete at Oklahoma Youth Expo The 2009 Oklahoma Youth Expo Market Steer Show has finished Day One- and we have six breed winners that have been selected by Steer Show Judge Jack Ward of Missouri. With six of the breed divisions completed on Saturday- that leaves the Angus, Limousin, Chianina, and Crossbreds to show on Sunday, with the Grand Champion Steer drive to happen at 7:30 PM on Sunday evening.

The Champions and Reserves in the six breed divisions thus far include:

AOB (Any old breed) Market Steer
Champion- J.D. Steel, Pawnee FFA
Reserve- Travis Higenberg, Yukon FFA

Charolais Market Steer
Champion- Kobe Nance, Oklahoma County 4-H
Reserve- Syndney Johnston, Sapulpa FFA

Maine Anjou Market Steer
Champion- Logan Davis, Newcastle FFA
Reserve- Danielle Dodd, Arnett FFA

Hereford Market Steer
Champion- Lucas Northcutt, Purcell FFA
Reserv- Randi Yost, Garber FFA

Shorthorn Market Steer
Champion- Kaden McCombs, Navajo FFA
Reserve- Keaton Krewall, Hobart FFA

Simmental Market Steer
Champion- Hayden Meadors, Cleveland FFA
Reserve- Garrett Hudgins, Mannford FFA



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