Oklahoma's Latest Farm

And Ranch News

Monday, July 1, 2024

Howdy Neighbors!

Here is Your Daily Oklahoma Farm and Ranch News Update: 


  • Oklahoma Wheat Commission’s Mike Schulte Highlights Education and Promotion Efforts

  • Trade Sees Few Surprises in Latest USDA Acreage and Quarterly Grain Stocks Reports

  • Rabobank’s Lance Zimmerman – Consumer Attitudes Towards Beef Remain Positive

  • NFU Serves Up the Farmer’s Share of July 4th Cookout Costs

  • Senator James Lankford Applauds Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Chevron Doctrine

  • Ag Groups React to Supreme Court's Chevron Decisions

  • USTR Makes Strong Case During USCMA Trade Dispute Hearing- Defending US Corn

  • AFBF Appreciates USDA Support of Dairy Farmers Impacted by HPAI

  • Here's Your Oklahoma Acreage Numbers for our 2024 Crops From the Friday USDA Report

Oklahoma Wheat Commission’s Mike Schulte Highlights Education and Promotion Efforts

I recently had the chance to talk with the Oklahoma Wheat Commission’s Mike Schulte about working with influencers to promote Oklahoma’s wheat and upcoming events relating to Oklahoma’s wheat industry.

“We have had a busy spring at the Oklahoma Wheat Commission in conjunction with our variety trials across the state,” Schulte said. “We did at the Oklahoma Academy of Registered Dieticians Annual Spring Meeting in April have a producer panel that consisted of agricultural producers as well as some of our research scientists at Oklahoma State University discussing the wheat industry and soil health initiatives that we focus on with our research and development programs.”

At the Registered Dieticians seminar, Schulte said influencers had the chance to learn more about how Oklahoma’s farmers produce a healthy and safe product for consumers. Schulte said attendees also learned about the health benefits of wheat regarding high fiber and high antioxidants in new varieties.

Schulte also talked about the upcoming Junior Wheat Show visual competition and what the competition has to offer to Oklahoma's youth. Click the blue button below to hear the full conversation!

AND- we are pleased to welcome the Oklahoma Wheat Commission as our newest Email Sponsor- we look forward to sharing with you more info about they work they are doing on behalf of Oklahoma wheat producers.

Click here to read more and listen to Ron Hays talk with Mike Schulte about the latest work of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission

Sponsor Spotlight

The vision of the Oklahoma Beef Council is to be a positive difference for Oklahoma's farming and ranching families and the greater beef community, and its mission is to enhance beef demand by strengthening consumer trust and exceeding consumer expectations. 

To learn more, visit www.oklabeef.org. Also, don't forget to like its Facebook page at www.facebook.com/oklabeef for stories on Oklahoma's ranching families and great beef recipes. 

And Check out this video below that helps you learn more about the Beef Checkoff- .

Trade Sees Few Surprises in Latest USDA Acreage and Quarterly Grain Stocks Reports

The USDA released the latest Grain Stocks and Acreage reports on Friday, June 28, 2024. I had the chance to talk with Allendale’s Rich Nelson about key takeaways from both reports.

Starting with acreage numbers for the spring planted crops, Nelson said 1.4 million acres was added to the prior estimate of planted acres of corn in March- now at 91.5 million acres. Nelson said Soybeans were lowered from the March estimate, now at 86.1 million acres.

A minor change was seen in planted acres of wheat, Nelson said, down about 258,000 acres from the prior March survey.

“Overall, a little surprise for the corn,” Nelson said. “Soybean and wheat numbers were relatively okay.”

Regarding the quarterly grain stocks report, Nelson said the numbers released in the latest report represent usage after three-quarters of usage for corn and soybeans. Nelson added the report also “puts the stamp” on old crop ending stocks for wheat.

“We did have a small surprise for the wheat side,” Nelson said. “Wheat was 702 million bushels for old crop stocks. This would imply maybe a bit weaker feed usage and feed residual than we expected to see, so a little surprise for corn and wheat on this report”

Click here to read more and listen to Ron Hays talk with Rich Nelson about USDA’s Grain Stocks and Acreage Reports

Rabobank’s Lance Zimmerman – Consumer Attitudes Towards Beef Remain Positive

In this episode of Beef Buzz, Rabobank’s senior beef analyst, Lance Zimmerman, and I talked in depth about consumers and their attitudes towards beef. Overall, he says that the consumer is “hanging in there” despite current financial stressors and concerns about the future.

“When we look at the consumer, I always like to remind producers that demand has two elements to it. One is what their expectation is for the future,” Zimmerman explained. “What we’ve seen play out over the last eighteen months – even as we’ve seen heightened geopolitical risks, sky-high inflation, and challenges with interest rates – is when you look at the consumer sentiment data, they show that the consumer said, ‘Our situation is okay today. It’s not great. It’s not dire. It’s just okay.”

He went on to say how the consumer’s concerns for the future have been the “looming cloud” over demand discussion for some time. The consumer is keeping their personal finances in order proving they are stressed, but the consumer seems to realize that although they are worried, they aren’t helplessly sinking, so in essence, they are treading water.

Click here to read more and listen to Ron Hays talk with Lance Zimmerman about consumer attitudes towards beef
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For our farmers who have either- always have had cotton on their farms- or those who have more recently have added the fiber crop to their operations- we have a daily report heard on several of our Radio Stations- It's Called Cotton Talk!

Click on the Button below to listen to our most recent report
Click here for our Latest Cotton Talk- Hosted by KC Sheperd

NFU Serves Up the Farmer’s Share of July 4th Cookout Costs

As Americans prepare to celebrate Independence Day with family gatherings and festive cookouts, NFU released the updated “Farmer’s Share of the Food Dollar” for items typically enjoyed during a Fourth of July cookout. These figures reveal how much family farmers earn compared to the amount consumers pay at the grocery store.

NFU President Rob Larew explains that farmers receive only a tiny amount of what consumers pay:  

“When consumers stock up on their favorite Independence Day cookout essentials this year, they’re likely to notice increased costs for certain products. These increased costs are not reflected in what America’s family farmers and ranchers are paid. Decades of mergers and acquisitions have resulted in agriculture and food supply chains that are not only uncompetitive and fragile but also fail to fairly compensate farmers. Corporate monopolies control the vast majority of the processing, distribution, and marketing of our food, and dominate the market for crop inputs, seeds, and farm machinery.” 

“As we celebrate the Fourth of July along with the hard work of our family farmers and ranchers, we must recognize the challenges they face. Family farmers and ranchers deserve a fair share of the consumer food dollar.” 

The iconic cheeseburger, a staple of many July 4th celebrations, is a prime example. For each dollar spent at retail on the components of a cheeseburger—beef patty, bun, cheese, onion, lettuce, and tomato—family farmers receive only a small fraction. Similarly, other popular cookout items like potato salad and potato chips also reflect a minimal share for the farmers who produce the raw ingredients. 

Click here to see food items included in the 2024 Farmer’s Share of July 4th Cookout

We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network weekdays-

if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click below for this morning's Farm news from Ron Hays and KC Sheperd on RON.
Listen to our Monday morning farm and ranch news with KC Sheperd
Subscribe To the Daily Email

Sponsor Spotlight

Invenergy is committed to Oklahoma, having completed its first project in the state in 2006. Today, Invenergy operates three wind energy centers in our state, employs over 60 Oklahomans and continues investing in our project communities. We believe building relationships is the key to being good community partners and we work to develop relationships to benefit our landowners, our employees, and our communities.


We invest in Oklahomans, and we take pride in their success. Our energy facilities provide jobs, tax revenues, landowner payments and other sources of local economic development.


For more information, visit www.InvenergyOklahoma.com

Lankford Applauds Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Chevron Doctrine

Senator James Lankford (R-OK) issued a statement following the Supreme Court decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless v. Department of Commerce, which overruled its 1984 decision in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council. The Court’s ruling voids precedent that the courts will defer to federal agencies to interpret the law if a statue is unclear. Lankford has long been critical of the use of Chevron deference and the power it has given federal agencies. 

“For far too long the courts have given federal agencies too much power in what’s been affectionally referred to as ‘Chevron deference.’ Today’s ruling by the Supreme Court overturned a longtime precedent that gave federal bureaucrats power and has tipped the scales of power back to the American people through their elected representatives. This will stop any Administration from using overreaching rules and regulations to harm businesses, and ultimately harm consumers. It is important that Congress corrects any imbalance in federal laws by passing legislation that ensures the legislative branch makes laws, not federal agencies.”

Ag Groups React to Supreme Court's Chevron Decisions

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall commented on the benefits to farmers of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that strikes

down Chevron deference. Chevron deference instructed courts to defer to federal agencies’ arguments about the scope of their own authority. In essence, it multiplied the power of federal agencies and undermined the principles of separation of powers.

“Farm Bureau applauds the U.S. Supreme Court for recognizing the damage Chevron deference has caused to the federal government’s balance of power. For decades, Congress has passed vague laws and left it to federal agencies and the courts to figure out how to implement them. AFBF has been a leading voice on this issue and has argued on behalf of farmers who are caught in a regulatory back and forth when administrations change the rules based on political priorities instead of relying on the legislative process. We are pleased the Court heard those concerns.

“The Constitution built a system of checks and balances among three branches of government, to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. The legislative branch creates the laws, the executive branch enforces the laws, and the judicial branch interprets the laws. Chevron deference created a super-branch of government. The Supreme Court restored balance with today’s decision.”

Other groups including the National Cattlemen's Beef Association and the Ag Retailers Association applauded the ruling, while some groups like the Food and Water Watch had more negative things to say about the ruling. To read reactions from these groups, click the names below:

Click here to listen to Mary Thomas Hart of the NCBA as she explains what she believes the Supreme Court Ruling means for cattle producers.

USTR Makes Strong Case During USCMA Trade Dispute Hearing

Officials from the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative hammered arguments made by Mexican representatives this week during oral arguments over Mexico’s ban on imports of genetically modified corn used in some food products.

The ban was issued in early 2023. USTR filed a dispute settlement under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement over the issue in August of that year after the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) and state corn groups spent months pushing for action.

“The science overwhelmingly shows that genetically modified corn is safe for consumers and does not harm native plants,” said Minnesota farmer and NCGA President Harold Wolle. “U.S. officials did an excellent job of making their case, and more importantly they successfully argued that the Mexican government does not have the scientific evidence to support its actions or claims.”

During the hearing, which was held on Wednesday and Thursday in Mexico City, U.S. officials made several convincing arguments, according to Wolle, including that Mexico did not conduct a risk assessment to support its claims and the documentation they provided was over 20 years old and lacked scientific rigor. They also argued that Mexico’s regulatory agencies have previously determined that genetically modified corn is safe for use and this abrupt deviation from those determinations is a way to restrict trade and target imports. The panel hearing the case is expected to render a decision toward the end of November.

AFBF Appreciates USDA Support of Dairy Farmers Impacted by HPAI

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall commented today on USDA’s announcement that the department will compensate dairy farmers for 90% of the value of milk production lost due to highly pathogenic avian influenza. AFBF requested support for impacted dairy farmers and met several times with USDA officials to discuss the potential parameters of such a program.  


“We appreciate that USDA listened when we requested this type of support for dairy farmers whose herds are affected by HPAI. While America’s dairy farmers are working to rapidly increase biosecurity on their farms to prevent the spread of the virus, this assistance will help farmers recover in the event of an outbreak. Ultimately, it will also help ensure the continued safety and affordability of our nation’s milk supply.”  

No Surprises in Oklahoma Acreage Numbers from Friday Report

Friday's Acreage numbers provided state by state numbers for all of our major crops- here's a rundown of the Oklahoma stats- showing Oklahoma wheat still the major crop in t he state (no surprise) with cotton and soybeans equal in the number of acres they are growing on in the state this summer.

Oklahoma winter wheat planted, at 4.35 million acres, is down 4 percent from a year ago. Harvested acreage, at 2.70 million, is up 10 percent from last year's crop. 

Oklahoma upland cotton is estimated at 460 thousand acres, up 10 percent from last year. 

Oklahoma soybeans is estimated at 460,000 acers- same as 2023.

Oklahoma corn growers planted 370 thousand acres of corn, down 5 percent from last year.  Oklahoma sorghum producers planted 340 thousand acres, down 17 percent from last year. 

Click here for more details of the crops being produced in Oklahoma here in 2024
Let's Check The Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
Today's First Look:
Ron on RON Markets as heard on K101  
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Hear Today's First Look

Wholesale Boxed Beef Prices were higher- Choice Beef was up $2.99 and Select Beef was up $1.81 on Friday 06/28/2024.

Click on the Button below for the latest report from USDA Market News

Boxed Beef Report for 6/28/2024

Oklahoma National Stockyards will have a limited number of cattle selling on this first of July, 2,188 head were on the yards last night at 9 pm. The sale will start at 8:00 am this morning. They are expecting to start with 2,400 to 2,700.

Last Monday on June 24th- according to USDA Market News- Compared to the previous week: Feeder steers 1.00-3.00 higher. Steer calves 3.00-5.00 lower. Feeder heifers 2.00-5.00 lower. Heifer calves 5.00-8.00 lower. Quality plain to average. Demand Moderate. Calf buyers were more cautious this week because of the heat and drying conditions. Supply included: 

Click below for the complete closing report.

Oklahoma National Stockyards Market Report from 06/24/2024
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futuresclick below for the latest update on the Livestock and Grain Futures Trade..
Click Here to Listen to Justin's Commentary From 06/28/2024
Okla Cash Grain:  
Daily Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture- The report available after the close of the Futures Trade for that day.
Read  Cash Grains Report from 06/28/2024
Our Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network - analyzing the Futures Markets for that trading day- as reported by KC Sheperd.
Click to Listen to Our Weekday Wrap with KC
Slaughter Cattle Recap: 
The National Daily Slaughter Cattle Summary- as prepared by the USDA Market News
Read Report
TCFA Feedlot Recap:  
Finally, here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.
Read Report
Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!
Ron Hays, Senior Farm/Ranch Broadcaster and Editor
KC Sheperd, Farm Director and Editor

Dave Lanning, Markets and Production

Reagan Calk, Farm News and Email Editor

Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager

Podcasts From Oklahoma Farm Report and More

Two of our regular reports are also podcasts that you can subscribe to- Our daily Farm and Ranch News with KC Sheperdavailable here on the Apple Podcast Platform

The second is our daily Beef Buzz with Ron Haysavailable here on the Apple Podcast Platform

Periodically- we offer interviews on our Ag Perspectives Podcast series- this podcast is available here.

Ron has also has a series of podcasts from interviews with newsmakers at the Cattlemen's Congress- Click here or you can find them on your favorite Podcast platform- look for them by searching for Cattlemen's Congress Conversations.

We are making plans to jump back into regular installments of what has been called the Road to Rural Prosperity- a new name and fresh content is in the works- for now- click on the blue button below for one of our favorites that is a timeless classic.

Listen to Episode 86 with Ron Hays talking with one of the legends in the Beef Cattle Business- Bob Drake of Davis, Oklahoma
Listen to Ron
Beef Buzz
Blue Green Gazette
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Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, Oklahoma Farm BureauOklahoma Ag Mediation ProgramGreat Plains KubotaStillwater Milling CompanyNational Livestock Credit CorporationOklahoma Beef CouncilOklahoma Wheat Commission, Oklahoma AgCredit, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, Invenergy Oklahoma and  KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update.

For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!

We also appreciate our Market Links Sponsor - OKC West Livestock! 

We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.

Head to Our Website OklahomaFarmReport.Com
God Bless!
Reach Out To Us:
Tim West
President/General Manager
Rural Oklahoma Networks



Mike Henderson
Director of Sales


KC Sheperd
Farm Director
Radio Oklahoma Ag Network


Email KC
Ron Hays
Senior Farm/Ranch Broadcaster
Radio Oklahoma Ag Network

Email Ron