Oklahoma's Latest Farm

And Ranch News

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Howdy Neighbors!

Here is Your Daily Oklahoma Farm and Ranch News Update: 


  • Exciting New Initiatives for Ag in the Classroom: Seed Survivor Mobile Classroom and More

  • Mark McCully and the Cattlemen’s Congress: Showcasing Angus Industry Innovations

  • Cattlemen’s Congress Saying Goodbye This Week to Jim Norick Arena

  • Dr. Derrell Peel on Larger Hay Supply; Lower Hay Prices

  • Local Farm Bureau Programs Recognized at AFBF Convention

  • OSU Extension’s Claude Bess Receives Prestigious OSU Mentoring Award

  • NPPC Welcomes Line Speeds Study Results, Encourages FSIS to Make Program Permanent

  • Supreme Drive Set for This Afternoon at Cattlemen's Congress

Exciting New Initiatives for Ag in the Classroom: Seed Survivor Mobile Classroom and More

Are you a retired, part-time, or currently a teacher who works four days a week? Are you an extension agent who would like to get more connected with the schools in your area? If so, Ag in the Classroom has an opportunity for you! Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom is working with Nutrien to bring the Seed Survivor Mobile Classroom to Oklahoma from January 27th – March 14th. They will have two mobile classrooms in the state during that time and will need 2 people per mobile classroom (4 total) to present to students during the day.

Farm Director KC Sheperd reached out to State Ag In the Classroom Coordinator Melody Blosser to get more information about the exciting opportunity. “It is going to be in Central and Western Oklahoma because that is where Nutrien has a presence,” Blosser said. “We are still in the process of reaching out to classrooms and inviting them to participate.”

Those selected will spend 4-6 hours per day at a school presenting to students, and receive training, hourly compensation, mileage, and even cost for meals. In addition, depending on location, the cost of a hotel might also be covered. They will not be required to work every day, either, but only when they are able to.

“The program teaches elementary students about plants and the importance of agriculture,” Blosser detailed. “It is a little one-hour program, primarily designed for third and fourth-grade students.”

Click Here to Listen to KC's Interview with Melody Blosser and to Read More

Sponsor Spotlight

The Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association is the trusted voice of the Oklahoma Cattle Industry. With headquarters in Oklahoma City, the OCA has a regular presence at the State Capitol to protect and defend the interests of cattlemen and cattlewomen.

Their Vision Statement explains the highest priority of the organization- "Leadership that serves, strengthens and advocates for the Oklahoma cattle industry."

To learn more about the OCA and how you can be a part of this forward-looking group of cattle producers, click here for their website. For more information- call 405-235-4391.

Mark McCully and the Cattlemen’s Congress: Showcasing Angus Industry Innovations

Mark McCully has served the American Angus Association as Chief Executive Officer since 2019. He was a former vice president of production for Certified Angus Beef and previously led the beef improvement program and value-added feeder cattle marketing programs for cattlemen within a 22-state region for Southern States Cooperative. Of course, the Cattlemen’s Congress is a must-attend event for the experienced cattleman and Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays was on hand to talk with McCully about what is going on in the Angus industry.

McCully said. “The number of spectators, exhibitors, and sales for the event along with the uniqueness of the facility and ease of moving cattle in and out is so exhibitor friendly. It has really become a fantastic showcase for the Angus breed.”

McCully cited the historically high prices of cattle today and the expected longevity of them as worthy reasons to be a cattle producer today. With the nation’s cattle inventory down, demand is incredibly strong, and beef quality is at an all-time high. Beef – and especially Angus beef – producers are well positioned to prosper.

Certified Angus Beef has been around since 1978, and the industry has flourished around its high standards for beef. “Ten years ago, I would have said that we would never have been able to put beef out in front of consumers like we are today and have them still put it in their shopping carts or order it off of a menu. We still have the protein of celebration,” McCully said. “The quality that we have put in our product has allowed us to grow demand and maintain these price levels.”

Listen to Ron's BeefBuzz with Mark McCully and Read More Here

Cattlemen’s Congress Saying Goodbye This Week to Jim Norick Arena

The final days of an Oklahoma landmark have arrived. The Jim Norick Arena, affectionately called “The Big House” will be taken down starting in May after fifty years of service at the OKC Fairgrounds. The National Finals Rodeo, Cattle and Horse Shows, High School sports, Disney on Ice at the State Fair- all memory-making parts of the history of the arena that was, when built, the largest indoor facility in Oklahoma City until the construction of the Myriad Convention Center.

Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster for the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Ron Hays, had the chance to tour the new Coliseum that will replace the Jim Norick this spring during Cattlemen’s Congress. The OG&E Coliseum stands right up against the old arena and is expected to start hosting events in June of this year. The last functions in the Jim Norick will be done by May 1 - with the work to demolish the building to start immediately. A multipurpose Connector building will take the spot where the Norick now stands- to provide access from the barns into the new Coliseum.

Read More About the New Coliseum at State Fair Park and See Pictures Here
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For our farmers who have either- always have had cotton on their farms- or those who have more recently have added the fiber crop to their operations- we have a daily report heard on several of our Radio Stations- It's Called Cotton Talk!

Click on the Button below to listen to our most recent report
Click here for our Latest Cotton Talk- Hosted by KC Sheperd

Dr. Derrell Peel on Larger Hay Supply; Lower Hay Prices

Dr. Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist, offers his economic analysis of the beef cattle industry as part of the weekly series known as the “Cow Calf Corner,” published electronically by Dr. Peel, Mark Johnson, and Paul Beck. Today, Dr. Peel discusses higher hay supply and reduced hay prices.

Larger May 1 stocks and increased year-over-year hay production led to larger hay supplies in 2024. Total hay production in 2024 was up 3.3 percent year over year and combined with May 1 hay stocks up 46.6 percent over 2023 levels to increase the total hay supply by 7.9 percent compared to year-earlier levels. The total hay supply was 1.7 percent below the ten-year average supply from 2014-2023.

Total hay production includes total alfalfa hay production, almost unchanged from 2023 levels and 8.4 percent below the ten-year average as well as total other hay production, up 5.5 percent year over year and 0.6 percent above the 2014-2023 average.

Read More from Dr. Derrell Peel Here

We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network weekdays-

if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click below for this morning's Farm news from Ron Hays and KC Sheperd on RON.
Listen to our Tuesday morning farm and ranch news with KC Sheperd
Subscribe To the Daily Email

Sponsor Spotlight

The vision of the Oklahoma Beef Council is to be a positive difference for Oklahoma's farming and ranching families and the greater beef community, and its mission is to enhance beef demand by strengthening consumer trust and exceeding consumer expectations. 

To learn more, visit www.oklabeef.org. Also, don't forget to like its Facebook page at www.facebook.com/oklabeef for stories on Oklahoma's ranching families and great beef recipes. 

And Check out this video below that helps you learn more about the Beef Checkoff- .

Local Farm Bureau Programs Recognized at AFBF Convention

The American Farm Bureau Federation will honor 24 counties at its 106th Convention in San Antonio, Jan. 24-29. The selected winners participated in the County Activities of Excellence program and demonstrated a commitment to offering quality programming to their counties. Convention attendees are encouraged to learn more about these winning programs during a trade show at the event.

“It’s a pleasure to recognize these outstanding volunteer-driven programs,” said AFBF President Zippy Duvall. “The county leaders responsible for these award-winning programs are committed to supporting rural communities and helping their urban neighbors better understand agriculture.”

Two of the winners are from Oklahoma.

  • Special Needs Livestock Show, Leflore County. Livestock show for students in the community with disabilities, conducted in partnership with Cooperative Extension.
  • Steer & Hog Feed Out Contest, Rogers County. Contest to provide students with hands-on experience in production agriculture.

Click Here To Read About Each State's Winning Programs

OSU Extension’s Claude Bess Receives Prestigious OSU Mentoring Award

Oklahoma State University honored OSU Extension southeast district director Claude Bess with the Leave the Ladder Down Award at its annual convocation ceremony in December.

OSU’s Leave the Ladder Down Award is reserved for individuals in the university system who have successfully mentored and encouraged those with whom they work or instruct to reach their fullest potential.

“Claude’s legacy has been tremendous through his many contributions to the development of personnel throughout the OSU Extension system, and it will continue to be great for years to come due to his investment in our people. He is a role model for many as a servant leader,” said Damona Doye, associate vice president of OSU Extension.

Bess is a native of the Eufaula area in McIntosh County and earned a bachelor’s degree in animal science from OSU. He completed a master’s degree at the University of Arkansas and launched his Extension career in Arkansas before joining OSU Extension. He has devoted the past 36 years of his career to the university’s land-grant mission.

Read More About Claude Bess Here

NPPC Welcomes Line Speeds Study Results, Encourages FSIS to Make Program Permanent

In a win for efficiency in feeding a growing population and alleviating supply issues, the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) celebrated the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service’s (FSIS) decision to extend the New Swine Inspection System (NSIS) increased line speed trials through May 15, 2025. 

“Pork producers appreciate USDA’s thoughtful and thorough approach to maintaining increased packing capacity, giving us more opportunities to safely and more efficiently deliver our products to consumers,” said NPPC President and Minnesota pork producer Lori Stevermer. “As expected, after more than three years of operating at increased line speeds, FSIS has confirmed that increased line speeds are not a leading factor in worker safety.”

After completing months-long studies at six pork processing plants, “line speeds were not determined to be the leading factor in worker musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) risk at these plants,” according to FSIS.

Without the increase in line speeds – and the resulting decrease in packing capacity – some pork producers could have incurred an additional loss of nearly $10 a head in the first and second quarters of 2024, according to economists.

Read More about the Increased Line Speeds Here

Supreme Drive Set for This Afternoon at Cattlemen's Congress

All of the breeds that have shown to this point at Cattlemen's Congress will be vying for Supreme honors this afternoon in the Jim Norick Arena- Supreme Junior Heifer, Supreme Open Heifer and Supreme Open Bull will be decided, starting at 5 PM.

The American breeds will be selecting their Supreme Champs in those three categories on Thursday afternoon- which will be the finale of the 2025 Cattlemen's Congress.

It's also a busy day before that- the open Simmental show starts at 8 AM this morning- they are the final breed to decide their representatives for the Supreme drive this afternoon.

In addition- at 8 AM this morning- the results of the Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest held on Monday will be announced in a breakfast celebration at the Champion Convention Center.

At 9 AM- the Open Prospect Steer and Heifer Show kicks off and the Market Steer Show for 2025 begins at 1:00 PM with the Grand Champion Market Steer to be selected at 4:30 this afternoon.

Click here for the Cattlemen's Congress Schedule for the last three days
Let's Check The Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
Today's First Look:
Ron on RON Markets as heard on K101  
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Hear Today's First Look

Wholesale Boxed Beef Prices were higher- Choice Beef was up $0.51 and Select Beef was up $3.43 on 1/13/2025.

Click on the Button below for the latest report from USDA Market News

Boxed Beef Report

Oklahoma National Stockyards had 7,500 head on Monday, January 13, 2025.

Compared to last week: Feeder steers and steer calves 6.00-12.00 higher. Feeder heifers 4.00-8.00 higher. Feeder cattle instances up to 15.00 higher. Heifer calves 10.00-13.00 higher. Steer and heifer calves instances up to 20.00 higher. Demand good. Most of Oklahoma received snow last week. The weather is forecasted to warm up but another cold front comes through on Saturday. 

Click below for the complete closing report.

Oklahoma National Stockyards Market Report from 01/13/2025

The Joplin Regional Stockyards had a total run of 10,026 head on Monday January 13, 2025.

Compared to the sale 2 weeks ago feeder steers sold 5.00-25.00 higher with the most gain on 4 and 5 weight calves. Feeder heifers sold 3.00- 20.00 higher. Supply was heavy with very good demand. 13 head of steers weighing 411 lbs. sold for 440.00/cwt.. 8 head of steers weighing 506 lbs. crossed the scales at 395.00/cwt..

Click on the button below for details of the trade as compiled by the USDA Market News Service.

Joplin Regional Stockyards Market from Monday 01/13/2025
OKC West in El Reno Cow and Bull Market Report from 01/13/2025- Cows & Bulls Steady to $1 Higher
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futuresclick below for the latest update on the Livestock and Grain Futures Trade..
Click Here to Listen to Justin's Commentary From 1/13/2025
Okla Cash Grain:  
Daily Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture- The report available after the close of the Futures Trade for that day.
Read Cash Grains Report from 1/13/2025
Our Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network - analyzing the Futures Markets for that trading day- as reported by KC Sheperd.
Click to Listen to Our Weekday Wrap with KC
Slaughter Cattle Recap: 
The National Daily Slaughter Cattle Summary- as prepared by the USDA Market News
Read Report
TCFA Feedlot Recap:  
Finally, here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.
Read Report

Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!


Ron Hays, Senior Farm/Ranch Broadcaster and Editor


KC Sheperd, Farm Director and Editor

Dave Lanning, Markets and Production

Stevie White, Farm News and Email Editor

Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager

Podcasts From Oklahoma Farm Report and More

Two of our regular reports are also podcasts that you can subscribe to- Our daily Farm and Ranch News with KC Sheperdavailable here on the Apple Podcast Platform

The second is our daily Beef Buzz with Ron Haysavailable here on the Apple Podcast Platform

Periodically- we offer interviews on our Ag Perspectives Podcast series- this podcast is available here.

Ron has also has a series of podcasts from interviews with newsmakers at the Cattlemen's Congress- Click here or you can find them on your favorite Podcast platform- look for them by searching for Cattlemen's Congress Conversations.

We are making plans to jump back into regular installments of what has been called the Road to Rural Prosperity- a new name and fresh content is in the works- for now- click on the blue button below for one of our favorites that is a timeless classic.

The link below is one of our most recent podcasts- Ron spotlighting the Life and Times of Dr. Kim Anderson, who has just retired from OSU.

Listen to Ron Hays talking with Kim Anderson about his 42 years in OSU Extension and the Famous "A Third A Third A Third" Advice he has given.
Listen to Ron
Beef Buzz
Blue Green Gazette
Market Links
Facebook  Twitter  Youtube  

Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, Oklahoma Farm BureauGreat Plains KubotaStillwater Milling CompanyNational Livestock Credit CorporationOklahoma Beef CouncilOklahoma Wheat Commission, Oklahoma AgCredit, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, and  KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update.

For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!

We also appreciate our Market Links Sponsor - OKC West Livestock! 

We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.

Head to Our Website OklahomaFarmReport.Com
God Bless!
Reach Out To Us:
Tim West
President/General Manager
Rural Oklahoma Networks



Mike Henderson
Director of Sales


KC Sheperd
Farm Director
Radio Oklahoma Ag Network


Email KC
Ron Hays
Senior Farm/Ranch Broadcaster
Radio Oklahoma Ag Network

Email Ron