Oklahoma's Latest Farm

And Ranch News

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Howdy Neighbors!

Here is Your Daily Oklahoma Farm and Ranch News Update: 


  • President Trump is Sworn In- Declares Liberation Day

  • Ag Groups Celebrate President Donald Trump’s Inauguration

  • Why Brangus Cattle Thrive: Rick Cozzitorto Talks Docility, Versatility, and Growth

  • Dr. Derrell Peel: Cattle and Beef Markets Charge into 2025

  • Cattlemen's Congress A Success in the Show and Sales Ring

  • United States Cattlemen’s Association Reiterates Dire Concerns of Forced and Child Labor in Meat Processing

  • How Does FMD Find in Germany Impact Global Pork Trade?

President Trump is Sworn In- Declares Liberation Day

The first day of Donald Trump serving as the 47th President of the United States is complete- and if you watched any or all of it- there are certain memories I know you have tucked away.

The President declared to the country and the world that after four years of Joe Biden being President- that January 20th will be known as "Liberation Day" and that a "Golden Age" will begin for the American dream.

In his Inauguration speech- who some likened more to a State of the Union Address- the newly sworn in President may a dozen sweeping promises of what his Administration will be accomplishing in the days to come. And then later- multiple Executive Orders were signed to counter many EOs signed previously by Joe Biden on protecting the southern border, energy, trade, jobs and more.

One area of importance to US Agriculture- trade. Trump said that he would immediately establish the "External Revenue Service" to collect tariffs and taxes from other countries.

"We will tariff and tax foreign countries to enrich our citizens," Trump said. He added, "It will be massive amounts of money coming into our Treasury from foreign sources."

Contrary to statements made throughout the campaign and transition, Trump opted not to start his inaugural day with a new round of tariffs. Instead, Trump issued a memorandum to examine the U.S. trade relationships with China, Canada and Mexico and report back ways to reduce the trade deficits with the three countries.

Last week, Treasury Secretary nominee Scott Bessent also highlighted in his confirmation hearing that he would press China for not fulfilling its pledge to buy $40 billion a year in agricultural commodities.

Bessent said that once confirmed, he would immediately focus on that issue. Chinese Vice President Han Zheng also attended the inauguration and met with Trump's advisers beforehand.

One of Trump's Cabinet picks has already been confirmed on Day One- former Florida Senator Marco Rubio is his Secretary of State- he was confirmed with a  unanimous in the US Senate.

It was a crazy full day for POTUS- multiple speeches, lunch with Congress, the signing of Executive Orders and attending three Balls to celebrate his Presidency last night.

On social media- dozens of Oklahomans shared pictures in Washington as they were there to mark the historic moment of Donald Trump coming back from a crushing defeat in 2020 to win in 2024 and start his second term on President here in 2025. Hang on- it's going to fast and furious in the days ahead.

Sponsor Spotlight

The vision of the Oklahoma Beef Council is to be a positive difference for Oklahoma's farming and ranching families and the greater beef community, and its mission is to enhance beef demand by strengthening consumer trust and exceeding consumer expectations. 

To learn more, visit www.oklabeef.org. Also, don't forget to like its Facebook page at www.facebook.com/oklabeef for stories on Oklahoma's ranching families and great beef recipes. 

And Check out this video below that helps you learn more about the Beef Checkoff- 

Ag Groups Celebrate President Donald Trump’s Inauguration

On Monday, President Donald J. Trump was sworn into office as the 47th President of the United States. In response, several ag groups released statements in support of his inauguration.

The National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) President Keeff Felty, an Oklahoma wheat producer, released the following statement:

“Congratulations to President Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance. President Trump has been an advocate for our nation’s producers, and NAWG looks forward to working with him as we continue to advance the needs of wheat growers and rural America.”

National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) President Kenneth Hartman Jr. released the following statement:

“I want to congratulate President Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance on their inauguration. We know the new president is a staunch ally of the American farmer and second to none when it comes to his negotiation acumen. We look forward to working with him to advance issues of importance to the nation’s corn growers.”

Read the Reactions from Other Ag Groups Here

Why Brangus Cattle Thrive: Rick Cozzitorto Talks Docility, Versatility, and Growth

In our latest BeefBuzz, Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays continues his conversation with Executive Vice President of the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) Rick Cozzitorto at Cattlemen’s Congress. Cozzitorto has only held that title since September 2024 and is excited about helping to grow the association and the breed to new heights which he discussed in detail in the first part of this conversation.

Cozzitorto expressed gratitude for Cattlemen’s Congress stepping up for the show cattle industry during the COVID pandemic with most of the majors canceled. He said, “The show they put on here is unbelievable. They stepped up during COVID and we will never forget that. That is something we want to help them build as they are building.”

While the Cattlemen’s Congress is a must-attend event for Brangus breeders, so is the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, which is a hub for a lot of international business for them.

“These cattle are so popular in the South,” Cozzitorto said. “They are the only ones that survive anywhere that is humid and tropical. We get a lot of people looking for genetics through Houston, so everybody brings cattle because the opportunity of going home with an empty trailer is high.”

Listen to Ron's BeefBuzz with Rick Cozzitorto and Read More About It Here
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For our farmers who have either- always have had cotton on their farms- or those who have more recently have added the fiber crop to their operations- we have a daily report heard on several of our Radio Stations- It's Called Cotton Talk!

Click on the Button below to listen to our most recent report
Click here for our Latest Cotton Talk- Hosted by KC Sheperd

Dr. Derrell Peel: Cattle and Beef Markets Charge into 2025

Dr. Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist, offers his economic analysis of the beef cattle industry as part of the weekly series known as the “Cow Calf Corner,” published electronically by Dr. Peel, Mark Johnson, and Paul Beck. Today, Dr. Peel discusses the incredible strength of today’s cattle markets.

Cattle and beef markets rocketed out of the gate coming into 2025. With no post-holiday wavering, all cattle and beef markets moved higher in the first half of January – setting new record price levels to start the new year. This continues the trend of the last three years. Cattle prices began to move higher after 2021 and increased more sharply in 2023-2024.

In Oklahoma auctions in the week ending January 17, 2025, the price of 500-pound steers (M/L, #1) was $361.88/cwt., up 18.1 percent year over year and up 111.1 percent from the same week four years ago in 2021. For 800-pound steers, the price was $269.07/cwt., up 21.0 percent year over year and up 105.1 percent in the last four years. The U.S. calf crop peaked cyclically in 2018 at 36.3 million head and decreased for the last six years to a projected 33.1 million head in 2024. Figure 1 shows the average volume of stocker and feeder receipts including the general downtrend since the recent peak in early 2019 and indicates a continued tightening of cattle numbers.

Read More from Dr. Derrell Peel Here

We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network weekdays-

if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click below for this morning's Farm news from Ron Hays and KC Sheperd on RON.
Listen to our Tuesday morning farm and ranch news with KC Sheperd
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Sponsor Spotlight

KIS FUTURES specializes in Futures and Options for Institutions, Commercials, Hedgers, and Individual Traders and executes trades for its clients in the following markets: Livestock, Grains, Energy, Metals, Softs, Financials, Currencies, and Stock Index Futures. For more information, please give them a call Toll Free at (800) 256-2555. Click here for their website to learn more.

And- their iPhone App, which provides all electronic futures quotes is available at the App Store- click here for the KIS Futures App for your iPhone.  

Cattlemen's Congress A Success In Show and the Sale Ring

The numbers were staggering- more than $13 million in cattle genetics were sold in Oklahoma City during the 2025 Cattlemen's Congress- with $7.6 Million sold on site- mostly in the Super Barn Sales Arena- this was a record for the premiere beef cattle seedstock show in North America.

That doesn't count for all the sales and contacts that were made back in the barns- and the Superior BellRinger Sale that is in town in the middle of Congress.

The Oklahoma Farm Report has been proud to cover Congress from 2020 until today- and our 2025 coverage included multiple conversations that we will continue to share in our daily Beef Buzz for a few days longer- you can also capture many of those conversations by going to where ever you listen to podcasts and search for Cattlemens Congress Conversations. There are eight episodes featuring over a dozen of our conversations from the 2025 Congress which you need to check out if you are in the cattle business.

Click Here To Jump to Our Beef Buzz Page to Check Out Our Cattlemen's Congress Shows Since the Start of 2025

United States Cattlemen’s Association Reiterates Dire Concerns of Forced and Child Labor in Meat Processing

In light of the Department of Labor’s agreement with JBS USA Food Co. to address child labor, the United States Cattlemen’s Association (USCA) reiterated its commitment to challenging exploitation and fighting for a level playing field for American producers.

USCA Director Emeritus Leo McDonnell testified on June 22, 2023 during the Legislative Hearing on “Cattle Supply Chains and Deforestation of the Amazon” noting USCA’s ongoing concerns regarding the beef industry in Brazil, specifically related to deforestation and concerns over links to forced and child labor.

McDonnell’s testimony specifically referenced this point in that, “‘Beef” and ‘cattle’ are both listed next to Brazil’s name on the most recent report issued by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs (DOL ILAB) of goods produced by child or forced labor.”

“USCA opposes forced labor/child labor as evidenced in our testimony during the Senate hearing and we continue to relay to Congress and Customs the need to address this among meat processors,” USCA President Justin Tupper said. “It’s extremely concerning that JBS continues these activities and the situation in Colorado heightens the risk that this could be happening in Brazil.”

Following USCA’s Annual Meeting in December, new policy resolutions were circulated to the membership, including one regarding Section 307 of the Tariff Act of 1930 which specifically prohibits importing any product that was mined, produced, or manufactured wholly or in part by forced labor, including forced or indentured child labor.

It is on this note that USCA is renewing its call to Congress and Customs to look deeper into forced labor practices in Brazil and will be remaining a part of ongoing conversations regarding these concerns, and in the interim, supports prohibiting importing from any country that violates these measures.

How Does FMD Find in Germany Impact Global Pork Trade?

Despite a 25% decline in production over the past decade, Germany remains a global leader in pork exports, particularly to the rest of the European Union. In this week’s audio report, U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) Vice President of Economic Analysis Erin Borror looks at how the recent finding of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Germany could impact global pork trade.

FMD was detected in a water buffalo herd at a small exotic farm near Berlin. Germany immediately worked to isolate the impacted animals and trace the origin. But because of the FMD detection, most livestock products cannot be exported outside of the EU.

As Borror explains, three of the main export markets for German pork present challenges for any market share gains for U.S. pork. The United Kingdom and Vietnam have significant tariffs on U.S. pork as well as sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) barriers. And while the U.S. does significant pork trade with South Korea, most Korean imports of German pork are bellies, which are always in strong demand domestically in the U.S. 

Germany’s pork production peaked in 2011 near 5.6 million metric tons, and at that time Germany was the EU’s largest producer.  Germany was surpassed by Spain in 2020 following the detection of African swine fever, but Germany still accounts for roughly one-fifth of EU pork production. More than 80% of Germany’s pork exports are to other EU member states.

Click Here to Listen to USMEF's Erin Borror's Comments
Let's Check The Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
Today's First Look:
Ron on RON Markets as heard on K101  
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Hear Today's First Look

Wholesale Boxed Beef Prices were lower - Choice Beef was down $0.53 and Select Beef was down $0.39 on 1/20/2025.

Click on the Button below for the latest report from USDA Market News

Boxed Beef Report

Oklahoma National Stockyards had 7,100 head on Monday, January 20, 2025

According to USDA Market News- Compared to last week: Feeder steers over 700 lbs 2.00-4.00 lower, under 700lbs 1.00-4.00 higher. Feeder heifers steady to 5.00 lower. Steer and heifer calves steady to 4.00 higher. Demand moderate to good. Condition very uneven. Quality plain to fancy. The quality and condition contributed to a very up and down market. Bitter cold weather has returned but temperatures will warm up by the end of the week.

Click below for the complete closing report.

Oklahoma National Stockyards Market Report from 01/20/2025

At the Joplin Regional Stockyards- 12,595 were on hand for Monday, January 20, 2025

According to USDA Market News- Compared to last week feeder steers sold steady except weights under 475 lbs. sold 12.00 lower. Feeder heifers sold from 2.00 lower to 8.00 higher with weights under 450 lbs. selling up to 25.00 higher. Supply was heavy with very good demand.

Click on the Link below for the market report for Monday

Check out the Market Report from Joplin for Monday 1/20/25

Here's our regular feature - market commentary from Bob Rodenberger, a partner with Stockman Oklahoma Livestock Marketing.


Bob talks weekly with our own KC Sheperd with his commentary and is posted on our website-click here for this week's story featuring Rodenberger's comments.

Learn more about Stockman Oklahoma by clicking here.

Click here to listen to KC and Bob Rodenberger talk about the cattle markets of last week
OKC West in El Reno Cow and Bull Market Report from 01/20/2025 Cows were $2 to $4 Higher
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futuresclick below for the latest update on the Livestock and Grain Futures Trade..
Click Here to Listen to Justin's Commentary From 1/17/2025
Okla Cash Grain:  
Daily Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture- The report available after the close of the Futures Trade for that day.
Read Cash Grains Report from 1/17/2025
Our Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network - analyzing the Futures Markets for that trading day- as reported by KC Sheperd.
Click to Listen to Our Weekday Wrap with KC
Slaughter Cattle Recap: 
The National Daily Slaughter Cattle Summary- as prepared by the USDA Market News
Read Report
TCFA Feedlot Recap:  
Finally, here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.
Read Report

Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!


Ron Hays, Senior Farm/Ranch Broadcaster and Editor


KC Sheperd, Farm Director and Editor

Dave Lanning, Markets and Production

Stevie White, Farm News and Email Editor

Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager

Podcasts From Oklahoma Farm Report and More

Two of our regular reports are also podcasts that you can subscribe to- Our daily Farm and Ranch News with KC Sheperdavailable here on the Apple Podcast Platform

The second is our daily Beef Buzz with Ron Haysavailable here on the Apple Podcast Platform

Periodically- we offer interviews on our Ag Perspectives Podcast series- this podcast is available here.

Ron has also has a series of podcasts from interviews with newsmakers at the Cattlemen's Congress- Click here or you can find them on your favorite Podcast platform- look for them by searching for Cattlemen's Congress Conversations.

We are making plans to jump back into regular installments of what has been called the Road to Rural Prosperity- a new name and fresh content is in the works- for now- click on the blue button below for one of our favorites that is a timeless classic.

The link below is one of our most recent podcasts- Ron spotlighting the Life and Times of Dr. Kim Anderson, who has just retired from OSU.

Listen to Ron Hays talking with Kim Anderson about his 42 years in OSU Extension and the Famous "A Third A Third A Third" Advice he has given.
Listen to Ron
Beef Buzz
Blue Green Gazette
Market Links
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Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, Oklahoma Farm BureauGreat Plains KubotaStillwater Milling CompanyNational Livestock Credit CorporationOklahoma Beef CouncilOklahoma Wheat Commission, Oklahoma AgCredit, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, and  KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update.

For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!

We also appreciate our Market Links Sponsor - OKC West Livestock! 

We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.

Head to Our Website OklahomaFarmReport.Com
God Bless!
Reach Out To Us:
Tim West
President/General Manager
Rural Oklahoma Networks



Mike Henderson
Director of Sales


KC Sheperd
Farm Director
Radio Oklahoma Ag Network


Email KC
Ron Hays
Senior Farm/Ranch Broadcaster
Radio Oklahoma Ag Network

Email Ron