Oklahoma's Latest Farm

And Ranch News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Howdy Neighbors!

Here is Your Daily Oklahoma Farm and Ranch News Update: 


  • Understanding Oklahoma’s Weather: Gary McManus on Cold Fronts and Drought Concerns

  • How AngusLink is Revolutionizing Cattle Market Risk Management

  • Thursday Confirmation Hearing Set for Brooke Rollins In Senate Ag Committee

  • Mark Johnson on Calving and Cow Nutrition in Extreme Cold

  • Rural Ecosystem Builders launch series of Rural small business Resource Conferences

  • Growth Energy Welcomes Executive Order Urging EPA Action on E15

  • NCGA Releases Targets to Increase Agricultural Competitiveness

Understanding Oklahoma’s Weather: Gary McManus on Cold Fronts and Drought Concerns

Farm Director KC Sheperd caught up with Oklahoma State Climatologist Gary McManus to talk about current and upcoming weather conditions in the state.

He noted the record low temperatures of the most recent and previous artic blasts that hit the state over the last week or two. “This is the coldest weather that we have seen in Oklahoma since February 2021,” McManus said. “That decrease back in 2021 was generational cold. This is just a little bit lesser and is just, of course, one or two days, so not quite as bad as that horrible time back then.”

McManus assured that today, January 21, is the last day of the current extreme cold front and temperatures should rise throughout the predictable future. He did mention that, despite last week’s snowfall, conditions are trending drier.

Meanwhile, the temps early this Wednesday morning have bounced much higher- we are still below freezing statewide but much warmer in western Oklahoma this morning- Beaver, which recorded the minus 17 yesterday- is at plus 21 this morning- Boise City, which was minus 12 a morning ago is plus 30 early this morning.

Listen to KC's Interview with Gary McManus and Read More Here 

Sponsor Spotlight

Midwest Farm Shows is proud to produce the two best Farm Shows in the State of Oklahoma annually- the Tulsa Farm Show each December and the Oklahoma City Farm Show each April. 


They would like to thank all of you who participated in their 2024 Tulsa Farm Show. 

Up next will be the Oklahoma City’s premier spring agricultural and ranching event with returns to the State Fair Park April 3-4-5, 2025.

Now is the ideal time to contact the Midwest Farm Show Office at 507-437-7969 and book space at the 2025 Oklahoma City Farm Show.  To learn more about the Oklahoma City Farm Show, click here  

How AngusLink is Revolutionizing Cattle Market Risk Management

Mark McCully has served the American Angus Association as Chief Executive Officer since 2019. He was a former vice president of production for Certified Angus Beef and previously led the beef improvement program and value-added feeder cattle marketing programs for cattlemen within a 22-state region for Southern States Cooperative.

In today’s BeefBuzz, Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays continues his conversation with McCully. In the first part, they discussed the Angus breed’s innovations in the beef industry. Today, it is all about the breeders.

According to McCully, Angus breeders, like most cattle raisers, are optimistic about the strong cattle market but not naïve to the input costs, namely labor.

“No one has enough labor, and labor is hard to find. That is a consistent message that I hear regardless of where I travel,” McCully said.

Listen to Ron's BeefBuzz with Mark McCully and Read More Here

Confirmation Haring for Brooke Rollins Set for Thursday

The paperwork is complete- and Senate Ag Committee Chair John Boozman of Arkansas will gavel his Committee to order Thursday morning at 10 AM to hold a Confirmation Hearing for Brooke Rollins, President Trump's choice to be his Secretary of Agriculture.

Among the paperwork that has now been filed- Rollins has promised to resign from her positions with America First Policy Institute, America First Works and the Texas Public Policy Foundation. She will also shut down her consulting business, BLR Ideas, to take on the Secretary of Ag position.

Most DC observers see no issues with her confirmation to become the next Secretary of Ag. 

MEANWHILE- the transition team made several announcements yesterday about key staffers that will be in Rollins' inner circle:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced the names of the following individuals who will hold senior staff positions in Washington, D.C. These appointees have been selected to implement President Trump’s America First agenda, ensuring that the needs of America’s farmers, ranchers, and producers remain a top priority.

  • Kailee Tkacz Buller Appointed as Chief of Staff of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Preston Parry Appointed as Deputy Chief of Staff of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Jennifer Tiller Appointed as Chief of Staff to the Deputy Secretary and Senior Advisor to the Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services
  • Ralph Linden Appointed as Principal Deputy General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Audra Weeks Appointed as Deputy Director of Communications of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Dominic Restuccia Appointed as White House Liaison for the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Read More About each Appointee Here
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For our farmers who have either- always have had cotton on their farms- or those who have more recently have added the fiber crop to their operations- we have a daily report heard on several of our Radio Stations- It's Called Cotton Talk!

Click on the Button below to listen to our most recent report
Click here for our Latest Cotton Talk- Hosted by KC Sheperd

Mark Johnson on Calving and Cow Nutrition in Extreme Cold

Mark Johnson, Oklahoma State University Extension Beef Cattle Breeding Specialist, offers herd health advice as part of the weekly series known as the “Cow Calf Corner,” published electronically by Dr. Derrell Peel, Johnson, and Paul Beck. Today, Johnson talks about calving and cow nutrition in extreme cold.

Calving during the winter months can present some unique challenges. Cold and/or wet weather, higher birth weights, fewer hours of daylight and in most herds this is the time of year when we, as producers, are the primary source of nutrition provided in the form of harvested forage and supplemental feeds. What can we do to make calving in the late winter months as problem-free as possible? GET PREPARED!

Calving Kit and Facilities

Prior to Calving Season, it is important to take inventory of our facilities. Our working pens, chutes and alleyways need to be in good working order. If we have a calving barn or indoor facility remember to check cameras, batteries and light bulbs. We want all facilities ready BEFORE we find ourselves assisting that first heifer in the calving process.

Read More from Mark Johnson Here

We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network weekdays-

if you missed this morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click below for this morning's Farm news from Ron Hays and KC Sheperd on RON.
Listen to our Wednesday morning farm and ranch news with KC Sheperd
Subscribe To the Daily Email

Sponsor Spotlight

Dating back to 1891, Stillwater Milling Company has been supplying ranchers with the highest quality feeds made from the highest quality ingredients. Their full line of A & M Feeds can be delivered direct to your farm, found at their Agri-Center stores in Stillwater, Davis, Claremore and Perry or at more than 125 dealers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Texas. We appreciate Stillwater Milling Company’s long time support of the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and we encourage you to click here to learn more about their products and services.

Rural Ecosystem Builders launch series of Rural small business Resource Conferences

Rural small business support organizations – including state agencies, CareerTechs, colleges and universities, incubators, accelerators, funding partners, and more – have come together to form a consortium known as Rural Ecosystem Builders, with collaborative resources branded as Launch Rural OK, and plan to ignite a series of small business resource conferences in February and March 2025.

The one-day conferences are scheduled for:

  • February 14, at Eastern Oklahoma State College, West Main Street, Wilburton, OK
  • February 28, at Southwest Technology Center, West Tamarack Road, Altus, OK
  • March 14, at Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology, East 4th Street, Okmulgee, OK
  • March 31, at Northwest Technology Center, Vo-Tech Drive, Fairview, OK

“Oklahoma’s local economies thrive on entrepreneurship, and our communities are fortunate to have so many talented small business owners,” said Dana Hugle, Oklahoma SBDC assistant state director of performance and operations. “Oklahoma has a strong business support network, unfortunately, many entrepreneurs never access those resources. These conferences serve as an introduction and opportunity to network to start and grow our business community.”

Read More About Opportunities Provided by Launch RuralOK Here

Growth Energy Welcomes Executive Order Urging EPA Action on E15

Growth Energy, the nation’s largest biofuel trade association, issued the following statement today in response to President Trump’s Executive Order Declaring a National Energy Emergency, which, in Section 2(b), orders the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to “consider issuing emergency fuel waivers to allow the year-round sale of E15 gasoline to meet any projected temporary shortfalls in the supply of gasoline across the Nation.”

“President Trump is already taking steps to make E15 available year-round,” said Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor. “Put simply, E15 saves consumers money, drives investment in America’s rural communities, and decreases our dependence on foreign energy resources. We’re glad to see that homegrown biofuels are a part of President Trump’s efforts to unleash American energy dominance, and we urge Congress to follow the President’s lead by swiftly approving legislation to permanently allow the year-round, nationwide sale of E15. We look forward to working with the Trump Administration to make this more affordable fuel option available to all Americans.”

NCGA Releases Targets to Increase Agricultural Competitiveness

The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) today published its 2025 Corn Competitiveness Report, providing a roadmap for the incoming Trump administration and the new Congress to bolster the economic outlook for farmers and rural America. The report comes as corn growers are forecasted to face a third year of negative returns in 2025.

“The U.S. is a corn-producing superpower, growing about one-third of the world’s corn and doing so more sustainably than anywhere else on earth,” the report noted. “But the future of this American-grown powerhouse is in jeopardy as costly and burdensome regulations and outdated, unfavorable policies hinder American corn farmers’ market access resulting in high costs and low market prices.”

According to the report, the U.S. can turbocharge American competitiveness by focusing on six key targets:

  • Increasing global market access for U.S. corn
  • Expanding the use of U.S. corn in ethanol
  • Strengthening farm risk management
  • Preserving the American farm family legacy and farmland access
  • Protecting access to agricultural innovations 
  • Strengthening use of U.S. corn in American products

Read More from NCGA Here
Let's Check The Markets!
OKC West is our Market Links Sponsor- they sell cattle three days a week- Cows on Mondays, Stockers on Tuesday and Feeders on Wednesday- Call 405-262-8800 to learn more.
Today's First Look:
Ron on RON Markets as heard on K101  
mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.
Hear Today's First Look

Wholesale Boxed Beef Prices were mixed - Choice Beef was down $1.11 and Select Beef was up $0.11 on 1/21/2025.

Click on the Button below for the latest report from USDA Market News

Boxed Beef Report

OKC West in El Reno had 2,500 head of Calves on Tuesday, January 21st.

Compared to last week Steer and heifer calves sold 5.00-8.00 higher. Demand continues to be very good.

OKC West expects for the yearling run on Wednesday 1/22/25

2,700 head.

That includes 1,000 Feeder Heifers and

1,700 Feeder Steers

Click below for the complete closing report.

OKC West in El Reno Calf Market Report for 01/21/2025

On Tuesdays, Ron Hays gets the latest market commentary from Ben Hale of Western Livestock Auctions.


This commentary is posted on our website-click here for this Tuesday's story featuring Hale's comments.


Learn more about Western Livestock Auctions, Click Here.

Listen to Ron Hays talk with Ben Hale about the cattle Market
Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futuresclick below for the latest update on the Livestock and Grain Futures Trade..
Click Here to Listen to Justin's Commentary From 1/21/2025
Okla Cash Grain:  
Daily Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture- The report available after the close of the Futures Trade for that day.
Read Cash Grains Report from 1/21/2025
Our Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network - analyzing the Futures Markets for that trading day- as reported by KC Sheperd.
Click to Listen to Our Weekday Wrap with KC
Slaughter Cattle Recap: 
The National Daily Slaughter Cattle Summary- as prepared by the USDA Market News
Read Report
TCFA Feedlot Recap:  
Finally, here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.
Read Report

Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!


Ron Hays, Senior Farm/Ranch Broadcaster and Editor


KC Sheperd, Farm Director and Editor

Dave Lanning, Markets and Production

Stevie White, Farm News and Email Editor

Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager

Podcasts From Oklahoma Farm Report and More

Two of our regular reports are also podcasts that you can subscribe to- Our daily Farm and Ranch News with KC Sheperdavailable here on the Apple Podcast Platform

The second is our daily Beef Buzz with Ron Haysavailable here on the Apple Podcast Platform

Periodically- we offer interviews on our Ag Perspectives Podcast series- this podcast is available here.

Ron has also has a series of podcasts from interviews with newsmakers at the Cattlemen's Congress- Click here or you can find them on your favorite Podcast platform- look for them by searching for Cattlemen's Congress Conversations.

We are making plans to jump back into regular installments of what has been called the Road to Rural Prosperity- a new name and fresh content is in the works- for now- click on the blue button below for one of our favorites that is a timeless classic.

The link below is one of our most recent podcasts- Ron spotlighting the Life and Times of Dr. Kim Anderson, who has just retired from OSU.

Listen to Ron Hays talking with Kim Anderson about his 42 years in OSU Extension and the Famous "A Third A Third A Third" Advice he has given.
Listen to Ron
Beef Buzz
Blue Green Gazette
Market Links
Facebook  Twitter  Youtube  

Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K Equipment, Oklahoma Farm BureauGreat Plains KubotaStillwater Milling CompanyNational Livestock Credit CorporationOklahoma Beef CouncilOklahoma Wheat Commission, Oklahoma AgCredit, the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association, and  KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update.

For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!

We also appreciate our Market Links Sponsor - OKC West Livestock! 

We invite you to check out our website at the link below too that includes an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.

Head to Our Website OklahomaFarmReport.Com
God Bless!
Reach Out To Us:
Tim West
President/General Manager
Rural Oklahoma Networks



Mike Henderson
Director of Sales


KC Sheperd
Farm Director
Radio Oklahoma Ag Network


Email KC
Ron Hays
Senior Farm/Ranch Broadcaster
Radio Oklahoma Ag Network

Email Ron