Agricultural News
Wheat Market Trying To Work Higher- Dr. Kim Anderson Explains
Thu, 07 Jan 2010 22:20:16 CST
The current wheat market seems to be in something of an uptick with Kansas City March 2010 futures at or just above $5.50 per bushel. OSU Grain Marketing Economist Dr. Kim Anderson says that the the current positive energy in the market needs to continue this coming week- and could get bullish news with the acreage report that USDA will release this coming week. Dr. Anderson says that everyone expects fewer winter wheat acres were planted this past fall- both soft red winter and hard red winter classes. Dr. Anderson believes that the market continues to tell producers we need fewer acres in the US and globally- and that the smaller number of acres of winter wheat is generally already priced into the market.
Dr. Anderson's look at the current wheat market comes to us from Clinton Griffiths of SUNUP, who provides us the audio of this interview with Kim Anderson that will be a part of this weekend's program to be seen on OETA. Click on the Listen Bar below for this conversation between Clinton and Kim.
Besides the segment with Kim Anderson- here are some of the other things that can be seen on SUNUP this weekend:
SUNUP travels to Short, Oklahoma for a look at improving the energy efficiency of poultry houses and an alternative way to heat them.
-Glenn Selk discusses colostrum supplements vs. colostrum replacers for calves.
-In Shop Stop the guys begin a three part series on chain saw maintenance.
-AGWEATHER looks at recent moisture totals, total rainfall for the state in 2009 and calculating wind chills.
-We end the show with a story about a group of gleaners helping feed Oklahoma's hungry.
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