Agricultural News
Oklahoma Beef Producer Leads Charge to Disapprove the Cattlemens Beef Board Excutive Committee to Call for Separation of the Federation of State Beef Councils from NCBA
Fri, 30 Jul 2010 17:55:19 CDT
Oklahoma Cattlemen's Beef Board Member Bob Drake of Davis, Oklahoma led the charge on Friday to disapprove the CBB Executive Committee's decision in June to call for full separation of the Federation of State Beef Councils from the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. Drake moved to disapprove that decision of the Committee and his plea to the CBB Board Members carried the day by a vote of 62 to 30.
There was over an hour of discussion by CBB Board Members on this issue and most CBB members spoke of their desire to have the Federation keep the ties with NCBA with greater oversight as needed. The consensus was that most members felt the years of working with NCBA had been good for the beef cattle industry and that the old adage of not throwing the baby out with the bath water applied in this situation.
Click on the Listen Bar below to hear Bob Drake's call for his motion of disapproval to be voted for by the CBB membership.
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