Agricultural News
Andrea Hutchison of Chain Land and Cattle Company Says Beef People Need to Tell Their Story
Fri, 16 Jul 2010 6:24:10 CDT
Worried about what the Humane Society of the US might do to beef cattle production here in the United States- Andrea Hutchison of the Chain Land and Cattle Company in Canton has decided to do what she can to push back. That's why she has traveled to several meetings across the country to learn more about what animal actitivists are doing to change livestock production to more their liking. And that's why she started a Facebook page called Expose HSUS which now has over 2,100 followers. If you are a Facebook user, search for Expose HSUS and you will find her site, which has as its description the following statement- "The Battle For Agriculture Isn't Going Away. Find Your Post...Strengthen It...And Don't Leave It. This Is A Fight To The Finish ...For Posterity."
At the annual gathering of the Oklahoma Grain and Stockers Producers in El reno, she spoke about the animal rights agenda, how it is threatening agriculture and what can be done to combat it.
We talked to Andrea as the meeting was getting started on Thursday- and she is our guest on today's Beef Buzz. The picture you see here is of Andrea's dad with Andrea in the background at the July 15th meeting of the Oklahoma Grain and Stockers Producers meeting as they talked about the heritage of the Chain Land and Cattle Company.
The Beef Buzz is a regular feature heard on radio stations around the state on the Radio Oklahoma Network- but is also a regular audio feature found on this website as well. Click on the listen bar below for today's show- and check out our archives for older Beef Buzz shows covering the gamut of the beef cattle industry today.
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