Agricultural News
Canola Continues to Gain Traction as a Significant Cash Crop for Oklahoma Producers
Fri, 16 Jul 2010 22:43:08 CDT
The 2010 Winter Canola season appears to have been a succcess- and one of the players helping farmers succeed with this alternative crop to winter wheat was Heath Sanders, Extension Canola Specialist. Sanders has moved on from Extension- but will continue during the 2011 crop season helping canola producers as a field agronomist for Producers Cooperative Oil Mill- based in Central Oklahoma.
Sanders believes that however you measure the 2010 crop- it proved to be a great year for canola. Acres were close to being doubled from 2009 to 2010, yields were excellent and Sanders tells us that producers are beginning to see the positive benefits of a canola rotation when they return a piece of ground back to wheat.
Looking ahead to the 2011 growing season, Sanders says that leaders within the industry believe that we could easily double the number of acres that will be grown to canola in Oklahoma this coming year compared to the 2010 crop. And that may be too conservative.
Sanders was the guest of Farm Director Ron Hays on his weekly Saturday morning farm news update, In the Field with Ron Hays, as seen on KWTV, News9 in Oklahoma City. He also sat down with Hays and talked about the 2010 crop and early plans to get ready for the 2011 growing season.
We also talked about the Winter Canola Conference upcoming Tuesday, July 20th in Enid. Click here for our calendar entry for this July 20th event.
Click on the Listen Bar below for our conversation with Sanders about these Winter Canola topics.
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