Agricultural News
Federation of State Beef Councils Affirms Ties With NCBA and a Move to Greater Self Governance
Fri, 30 Jul 2010 17:13:33 CDT
A motion by a member of the Oklahoma Beef Council helped move the Federation of State Beef Councils on the way to a resolution of the calls outside of the Federation and the National Cattlemen's Beef Association for separation of the Federation from the NCBA altogether.
Richard Gebhart of Tulsa offered an amendment for the Federation to begin to seek ways to keep the Federation with synergistic ties to the NCBA while establishing more of a self governance, including absolute control of how Beef Checkoff funds they receive from State Beef Councils are invested. After several minutes of discussion, the motion passed by a vote of 59 to 3. This is not a binding vote, but does signal the intention of the Federation of State Beef Councils to move in this direction and achieve more visibility of who they are in the Beef Checkoff flow of dollars paid by producers. (the photo here is of the Federation Members voting with their yellow cards)
After the vote, we talked with Gebhart about the motion and his intentions in offering it during the Federation Council Forum. Click on the Listen Bar to hear his comments.
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