Agricultural News
Oklahoma Farm Bureau Leader Opposes State Question 744
Fri, 01 Oct 2010 6:20:08 CDT
The President of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Mike Spradling, says his group is continuing to work to educate people statewide about the fiscal dangers of State Question 744. Spradling contends that voting yes on SQ 744 would result in less funding for existing state agencies and potentially higher taxes for farmers and ranchers.
The question will be on the Nov. 2 general election ballot.
Spradling worries that "rural Oklahoma will pay for the lion's share of State Question 744."
Currently, education spending is determined by the Oklahoma Legislature, but if SQ 744 passes, spending instead will be calculated on a per-student average of six surrounding states in the region: Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas and Missouri.
The regional average per student currently is $9,633, while Oklahoma spends $8,006 last in the region. According to Walton Robinson, communications director for the campaign "Yes on 744," passage of the proposal ensures Oklahoma's youths can be competitive with students from other states, which have better-funded schools.
"This really comes down to one thing," Robinson said. "It's the fact that today kids in Oklahoma don't have the same education opportunities as kids in other states. ... Voting yes on 744 ensures we will provide better opportunities for them in the future."
Jeff Wilson, campaign manager for the coalition, which was formed earlier this year to oppose SQ 744, said funding the requirement will be impossible without slashing funding from other state agencies or raising taxes.
We sat down and talked with Spradling about State Question 744- and how the debate is going over what may be the most contentious part of the November ballot for the state of Oklaoma. Click on the LISTEN BAR below to hear that conversation.
Click here for more on the One Oklahoma Coalition, which opposes State Question 744- Oklahoma Farm Bureau is one of its supporters.
For the story being brought forward by those who want State Question 744 to pass- click here for the Yes for 744 website.
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