Agricultural News
ConocoPhillips Grant Program Providing Funding for Conservation Efforts
Wed, 28 Sep 2011 11:14:57 CDT
The Playa Lakes Joint Venture announces the availability of funding for habitat, research and education/outreach projects through the ConocoPhillips Grant Program. Federal, state and NGO applicants are encouraged to apply and should submit proposals to their state representative by November 1, 2011.
Proposals should deal with priority birds, habitats, and/or issues in each of the three program areas. In general, habitat projects should provide measureable gain for priority species in priority habitats; outreach proposals should be linked to demonstrable habitat improvements; and research should address PLJV's identified research priorities. A one to one match is required.
Past grants have included restoration of borrow pits at Quivira National Wildlife Refuge, exploration of the effectiveness of playa buffers in Texas and the broader region, and support for background work needed to develop a state-wide prescribed burn alliance in Oklahoma. Other projects have used these funds, once granted, as non-federal match for small and standard North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grants.
"ConocoPhillips not only brings more dollars to conservation projects throughout our six-state region, it also provides much-needed nonfederal match and additional partners, both of which are necessary when applying for other grants," says Ruben Cantu, Wildlife Division Regional Director for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the chairman of PLJV's Management Board. "For example, in the past two years, ConocoPhillips funds have helped PLJV partners obtain five NAWCA grants, which are putting $4.5 million into habitat conservation for birds."
For the past 20 years, ConocoPhillips has worked in close cooperation with PLJV and has contributed greatly to conservation programs throughout the region. During this time, ConocoPhillips has contributed over $2 million to help fund more than 250 conservation projects through an annual, competitive matching grant program administered by the PLJV. That $2 million has been leveraged more than three-fold by JV partners, providing a significant boost to local conservation efforts.
The ConocoPhillips grants for 2012 will be announced in early February.
Click here for more information on ConocoPhillips Grant Program.
Click here for more information on the conservation project itself.
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