Agricultural News
Nitrogen Requirements for Winter Wheat Depend on Type of Production
Mon, 26 Sep 2011 16:11:49 CDT
The amount of nitrogen (N) needed for most crops is based on yield goal. However, the N required for winter wheat depends whether the production is for harvesting grain only, grazing and grain (dual-purpose) or forage only. Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) needs are based on the sufficiency levels of those nutrients in the soil.
The soil test interpretations for P and K are similar for all 3 wheat systems. However, the current soil OSU test interpretation does not address all these situations individually for N requirement, so they are highlighted below to aid your fertilizing decision.
1. Grain only
The N fertilizer rate for grain only winter wheat is calculated by subtracting the soil test N value (nitrate-N) from the N requirement for the yield goal selected. The realistic yield goal is the average yield of the last 5 years plus 20%. We recommend 2 lbs of N per bushel of wheat. Therefore, the N requirement for grain only wheat is:
N (lbs./acre) = 2 x yield goal (bu./A) soil test N (lbs./A)
2. Grazing and grain (dual purpose)
If the wheat is intended for grazing and grain production, additional N needs to be considered to replace N removed as beef. Two pounds of N are still needed to produce one bushel of grain, but an additional 30 lbs. N are needed to produce 100 lbs. of beef or 1000 lbs. of forage grazed. Hence, the N requirement for dual-purpose wheat is:
N (lbs./acre) = 2 x yield goal (bu./A) + 0.3 x beef (lbs./A) soil test N (lbs./A)
3. Forage only
If the field is planned for graze out or harvesting for hay, the N rate is based on the expected forage yield. The requirement is 60 lbs of N per ton of wheat forage, which is similar to other cool season crops. So, the N requirement for forage wheat is:
N (lbs./acre) = 60 x forage yield goal (tons/A) soil test N (lbs./A)
Our thanks to Dr. Hailin Zhang,, and Dr. Jeff Edwards,, with Oklahoma State University's Department of Plant and Soil Sciences for providing this article on nitrogen requirements from the Extension News.
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