Agricultural News
Jeff Krehbiel Named as the 2011 Mr. Wheat by Oklahoma Wheat Growers
Mon, 12 Dec 2011 05:49:37 CST
On Saturday, the Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association announced that the recipient of their 2011 Mr. Wheat Award was Jeff Krehbiel of Hydro. Krehbiel was honored posthumously by the wheat growers for his outstanding serivice to the wheat industry before his death of earlier this year.
His wife, Karen, accepted the award for her late husband, who lost his protracted battle with cancer in September. At that time, we produced a special email announcement of Jeff's death- you can read it by clicking here.
Krehbiel was a past President of the Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association, active within the National Association of Wheat Growers- serving at one point as a Vice Chairman for their Domestic Farm Policy Committee and at the time of his death, was a Commissioner on the Oklahoma Wheat Commission.
OWGA President J.T. Winters presented the award to Karen Krehbiel- and noted that Jeff would not allow them to honor him a couple of years ago, but stated the fact that the Grower group felt there was no other choice that measured up to Jeff this year for this highest honor given annually by the organization.
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