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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Agricultural News

Keystone XL Pipeline Rejected by President Obama- Oklahoma Loses Jobs and Tax Revenues

Thu, 19 Jan 2012 05:07:36 CST

Keystone XL Pipeline Rejected by President Obama- Oklahoma Loses Jobs and Tax Revenues Based on the recommendation of the U.S. State Department, President Obama has decided to reject the Keystone XL pipeline permit. The pipeline would transport Canada's tar sands through six states to be refined in the south.

It appears the Obama Administration wants to include in its final decision the final route around the Sand Hills region of North-Central Nebraska. The state of Nebraska is working with pipeline owner TransCanada to find a suitable route around the Sand Hills.

Nebraska Senator Mike Johanns believes - the President apparently lacks faith in Nebraska's ability to select a route. By arguing that the Nebraska route could force them to deny the permit, he's implying Nebraska can't get it right. The Senator says, - to suggest a few dozen miles of the route in Nebraska affects the overall public interest for more than 1,600 miles of pipeline is laughable and reeks of political gamesmanship.

Several statements were released on Wednesday afternoon in reaction to the news reports coming out of Washington that President Barack Obama was ready to fully reject the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The proposal would have included a new pipeline that would have run from Cushing, Oklahoma south to the Gulf of Mexico.

Here's some of the reaction to the Obama rejection of the pipeline project and his blaming of the Republicans for his decision:

Governor Mary Fallin today released the following statement following media reports that President Obama's administration will reject TransCanada's application to build the Keystone XL pipeline:

"If the reports are true that President Obama will reject the application for the Keystone XL pipeline, it's a sad day for those of us who care about American energy independence and job creation.
"Independent reports show Oklahoma anticipates a $1.2 billion economic investment in the state. Nationally, 20,000 construction jobs and as many as 250,000 jobs are expected to be created.

"The decision by the president to block construction of this pipeline is more evidence this administration is beholden to radical environmentalists and does not care about real job creation or the plight of tens of millions of unemployed Americans. I am outraged by President Obama's obstructionism, poor judgment and lack of regard for a project that would help secure America's energy independence, boost our economy and create hundreds of thousands of jobs."

Oklahoma Third District Congressman Frank Lucas, today made the following comments after President Barack Obama announced he would not approve of implementation of the Keystone XL Pipeline project, which would create 20,000 direct jobs and spur the creation of 118,000 spin-off jobs in the United States.

"I am extremely disappointed President Obama has decided to reject the construction of the Keystone Pipeline," said Lucas. "This pipeline has the potential to create 20,000 immediate jobs and decrease the United States' dependency on foreign oil. Disapproval of this project will only increase the amount of money Americans pay at the gas pumps. With Oklahoma being a top producer in American made energy, it is discouraging that the President is turning down this opportunity to create economic prosperity and utilize our domestic energy resources. The Keystone XL Pipeline would most certainly serve the national interest, and I do not know why the Administration is denying America the chance to grow and prosper."
Oklahoma Fourth District Congressman Tom Cole (OK-04) released the following statement after the White House announced it is rejecting plans to move forward with the Keystone XL pipeline:

"President Obama's decision to block the Keystone pipeline is indefensible. This is a purely political move that puts the president's campaign ahead of the urgent need to create American jobs. Years of extensive study show that Keystone will be just as environmentally safe as the many other pipelines already crisscrossing the nation.   The president's decision means that this reliable oil supply from our Canadian allies may go to China, and America could miss out on both energy security and tens of thousands of new jobs. Republicans in Congress will continue fighting for Keystone, but President Obama's irresponsible actions have unacceptably jeopardized both our economic and national security interests."


Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Matt Pinnell released the following statement after reports that the Obama Administration will deny TransCanada's application to build the Keystone XL pipeline:

"It's a shame that President Obama is choosing to play political games to appease his far left environmentalist friends at the expense of creating much-needed jobs in this country," said Chairman Pinnell. "After years of paying lip service to American energy independence, the President has chosen to stand in the way of making that a reality. This is just the latest of many broken promises that candidate Obama campaigned on in 2008."

The oil and natural gas industry is the state's largest employer and has an estimated $40b a year economic impact on the State of Oklahoma. A recent study shows that the Keystone XL pipeline would result in an estimated $1.2b economic investment in Oklahoma and the creation of thousands of new jobs.

"We in Oklahoma understand the good paying, stable jobs the oil and natural gas industry provides. It's unfortunate that the President would stand in the way of creating more of those jobs. President Obama has shown again that he'll do anything to save his job but nothing to create jobs for millions of unemployed Americans."

"November can't get here soon enough," continued Pinnell. "We look forward to electing a Republican President who will understand the economy and remove the barriers this administration has placed in front of job creators."



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