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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Agricultural News

As Congress Prepares for August Recess, NCBA Official Keeps Tabs on Legislative Progress

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 15:39:16 CDT

As Congress Prepares for August Recess, NCBA Official Keeps Tabs on Legislative Progress
Cattle industry insiders are watching a number of issues very closely as Congress's August recess approaches. Colin Woodall of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association spoke with Ron Hays at the Summer Cattle Industry Conference being held in Denver.

Woodall said one of the big issues that was resolved this week was the House's passage of the Family Farms Preservation Act. The bill bars the Department of Labor from enacting proposed rules making it almost impossible for children to work on the farm. Woodall said the bill was necessary despite reassurances from Labor Department that the rules would not be promulgated.

"It still sends a very strong signal to Secretary Solis and the Department of Labor that they need to really shelve this thing and never dust it off again. This is something we've been working on for more than a year now and really was a surprise to all of agriculture, but agriculture mounted a huge offensive to take this fight back to the secretary. And because of that she announced back in May that she was going to withdraw that rule. This bill that passed the House, Mr. Latham's bill, would just provide a little insurance to make sure it stays on the shelf and doesn't see the light of day again."

Woodall said the his organization-as well as several others-are keeping a close eye on a similar situation with the EPA over proposed regulations which could be construed to regulate dust from agricultural enterprises despite assurances from EPA Adminstrator Lisa P. Jackson.

"She has told us all along she doesn't want to regulate farm dust. The original proposal that we saw does not include farm dust, but until we see the final regs, she has every opportunity possible to change that. And a key date is going to be November 6th. What happens on November 6th will have a huge impact on what she potentially does to make that decision that finalizes a rule that could include ag dust and that's why we're staying on top of her."

Another issue of major concern to the agriculture community is taxes, more specifically estate taxes. He said there are proposals to eliminate the tax entirely in the House.   A new economic study released this week shows that there has been no net benefit to the government from estate taxes. Woodall said he doesn't expect any vote to eliminate the death tax will be taken until after the November elections.

Woodall also said the farm bill appears stalled, though they're still trying to urge a vote on the House floor next week, if the leadership will cooperate.

"There were some comments from the Speaker of the House just yesterday talking about trying to move the farm bill as early as next week to try to make sure we get those disaster programs put back in place. His proposal, though, is not for the farm bills as they were passed out of the Senate and the House, he's looking at a simple extension of the 2008 farm bill. So I think that we're going to see a lot of conversation among the Senate and House leadership, especially the ag committee leadership on what can be done to try to find an opportunity to get the farm bill moving, but also get these disaster programs in place as soon as possible because everybody knows they are definitely needed."

He said one of the sticking points among lawmakers is the size of the food stamp portion of the farm bill. It is a very contentious issue.

"I think if anything eventually derails the process on this new bill, it's going to be food stamps, plain and simple. I think all you have to do is look at the House ag committee vote where you saw a couple of very key Democrats that represent several of their colleagues voted against the bill. And the whole reason they voted against the bill was because of the cuts to SNAP. So how we reconcile that is a question I know a lot of folks are looking at. I just don't think we have those answers quite yet."

He said some backbone by the leadership would be welcome at this point, and he thinks a farm bill could ultimately be passed.

"I think what you will find if we can get a commitment from the leadership to get this done is that the ag community will whip and spur votes like nobody's business. So, I'm not necessarily convinced it's dead if it comes to the floor. Will it be a fight? Absolutely. I think the key is going to be managing the amendment process to make sure this doesn't get out of hand. Because, very easily, when you look at potential amendments that could come up, you could even change this bill so much that the ag community could then come around and say they don't want the bill. And I think that that's the one thing I know is weighing very heavily on Mr. Lucas's mind as chairman of the committee on trying to get this done."

Click on the LISTEN BAR below for more of the interview with Colin Woodall of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association.


Ron Hays speaks with Colin Woodall about legislative issues facing cattle producers.
right-click to download mp3


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