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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Agricultural News

USCA Disappointed in House Ag Committee Action Against COOL, GIPSA

Tue, 17 Jul 2012 16:31:43 CDT

USCA Disappointed in House Ag Committee Action Against COOL, GIPSA
The U.S. Cattlemen's Association (USCA) today expressed disappointment in the House Committee on Agriculture's move to undermine the nation's country of origin labeling (COOL) law and to prohibit the Department of Agriculture (USDA) from conducting any more work on the proposed GIPSA regulations.

During markup of the House Farm Bill on Wednesday, July 11, committee members passed by a voice vote an amendment introduced by Michael Conaway (R-TX) and Jim Costa (D-CA) to repeal rules GIPSA had already implemented dealing with market competition and manipulation and prohibiting the agency from any further work on the matter. During committee deliberations Costa and Conaway maintained that the GIPSA regulations went beyond congressional intent.

An amendment introduced by Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) would require the Secretary of Agriculture to submit a report within 90 days after passage of the farm bill detailing the steps USDA will take to comply with a WTO ruling on COOL. The amendment passed on a roll call vote of 34:12. Passage of the amendment could potentially leave the entire COOL law open to repeal during the farm bill conference between the Senate and House.

All 26 Republicans on the committee voted in favor of the amendment along with Democrats Mike McIntyre (NC), David Scott (GA), Henry Cuellar (TX), Larry Kissell (NC), Bill Owens (NY), Joe Courtney (CT), Gregorio Sablan (NM) and Terri Sewell (AL).

Jon Wooster, USCA President, San Lucas, California, called Neugebauer's amendment on COOL unnecessary and untimely. "The World Trade Organization's (WTO) final ruling affirmed the right of the United States to require meat labeling and it also affirmed that the COOL law meets its objective of informing consumers. The few remaining trade issues associated with COOL can be resolved by USDA and the U.S. Trade Representative. Congress does not need to tamper with the law as it is written, nor do we need Congressional interference as this process is worked out. It is unfortunate that opponents of COOL are once again using any platform available to them, including the new farm bill, to undermine the law. U.S. cattle producers have the right to differentiate their product in retail cases from that of our foreign competitors and consumers deserve meaningful, truthful labeling about the origin of their meat.   USCA opposes this amendment and we will be working with all stakeholders to ensure that it is defeated. I urge all cattle producers to contact their Representatives and tell them to defeat this amendment when the bill comes to the floor of the House."    

Chuck Kiker, USCA Vice-President, Beaumont, TX, called the Conaway amendment prohibiting further work on the GIPSA rule a harmful setback for independent cattle producers and feeders. "Thousands of cattle producers across the country support the effort by GIPSA and the Department of Justice to clarify language in antitrust laws and strengthen provisions related to anticompetitive practices in the U.S. livestock industry. The competitive dysfunction in fed cattle markets will be further aggravated by an inevitable abuse of the cash market if Congress fails to properly fund and support matters like the GIPSA rule. USCA members will be in Washington, D.C. this week to discuss these issues with policy decision-makers and agency officials. It's very important for producers to be engaged and at the table. USCA intends to do just that."

"It's unfortunate these two amendments weren't killed in committee," added Wooster. "There's no clear indication yet when the bill will be brought to the House floor but USCA will be monitoring that situation. In the meantime, the best action for producers is to make contact with their Representatives and let them know how they feel." Wooster said the GIPSA regulations introduced in the 2008 farm bill were designed to give USDA the ability to make cattle markets fair for all participants.

The House will be in session for three more weeks before leaving for its five-week summer recess. There are eight legislative days in September and the current farm bill expires at the end of September.

Click on the headlines below for related stories from the Beef Buzz:

House Ag Committee Tells Obama Administration to Not Delay on COOL Rule Changes After WTO Decision

House Ag Committee Votes to Roll Back GIPSA Rule and Regulations Put in Place by USDA



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